The :| :| :| Edition

Mar 22, 2010 00:10


02. I really want Fay to move on to a new film already.

03. Beckham broke himself three months before World Cup. BECKS NOOOOOOOOOOO. I was watching the Milan game live when it happened and you could just tell it was bad. Like, bad bad. Torn Achilles tendon bad. 5-8 months out ( Read more... )

soccer, gale howard, movies: falling for grace, fedal, beckham, tennis, rafa, drama queen, roger, fandom boo, federbbs

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Comments 27

morebliss March 22 2010, 09:22:28 UTC
05: OMG! I so paused and tried to see what that said! Repeatedly! I think it's Spanish for "be with colm", "panther strut", "call mama tomorrow", or "Roger I think you are unbelievable, no?".

The waffle shorts made him play well. Yeah, he lost in that semi, but he's BACK BB! :D Vamos!


reeface March 22 2010, 18:57:04 UTC
My pause button and I are not alone! :D I'm gonna go with it being shorthand for ALL that, hee. I keep waiting for pics of it to show up, but nothing so far. Dang.

SO BACK! :D :D :D But why did it have to be the giraffe shorts, why? They hurt me. :((((


morebliss March 22 2010, 20:19:02 UTC
My friend lou said the writing read '8pm room no 325 roger', which makes total sense.

Okay, the shorts are ug. BUT, he rocked them! And it's just part of his ode to ice-cream. :D


reeface March 22 2010, 20:50:31 UTC
AHAHAH FTW! High-five lou for me plz.

And really, only Rafa could rock those things. ;D (There are so many licking jokes just lurking in there, omg.)


brainofjb March 22 2010, 10:27:26 UTC
04. I have to have my last wisdom tooth out this month. I'm srsly considering running away from home just to avoid this.
This is not fun, I know. :(
BUT it's the LAST one. So there is at least something positive about it...Good luck for that! *hugs*


reeface March 22 2010, 18:58:49 UTC
So true, so true. LAST TIME WITH A HOLE IN MY FACE! :D :D :D

Thanks, bb. *tackle hugs*


locaporgale_01 March 22 2010, 10:40:13 UTC
Definitely looks like Roger dropped the other baby ;)
Rafa lost???? shit! I forgot to watched it,anyway, I'm sure he will be back sooner than we think.
I'm not gonna say I'm happy for what happened to Beckham,, really it sucks,have you seen the things Leo's been doing??? hope he does the same during World Cup.

Poor Gale,btw,where's Randy when his man need him the most!!!??


reeface March 22 2010, 20:41:38 UTC
Rafa will totally be back all kick-ass and stuff. He was awesome this tourny. Woot!

I've missed like 98% of Barca's games since the one sports channel that was showing them didn't renew their contract to air the games this year. *sobs* But I have seen their UEFA games! And a couple league games and OMG. LEO IS GETTING HAT TRICKS LEFT AND RIGHT! That's our boy! :D :D :D

YEAH! Randy so coulda protected him. *nod*


locaporgale_01 March 24 2010, 02:23:49 UTC
After this week's game,all I 'm gonna say is:
Leo, you are a fucking genius!!!!


reeface March 30 2010, 04:19:39 UTC
HAT TRICK!!!!!!!!!!


spike7451 March 22 2010, 11:33:48 UTC
Awful news about Beckham. :(

Thus I'm going to go with it being a sekrit message o' luv to Rogelio......I'm sure that's what is was. :)



reeface March 22 2010, 20:51:41 UTC
It just broke my heart. Three past WC for him and something goes wrong every. single time. *facepalm*

Hee. Babies are slippery!


shadownyc March 22 2010, 14:56:20 UTC
1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


reeface March 22 2010, 20:52:55 UTC


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