Gale Day hath arrived!

Jan 15, 2010 13:27


Tonight's the night for my teevee boyfriend, woot! Everyone going have their tiny hidden videocameras notebooks and pens to take notes? LET THE FANGIRLING BEGIN OMG. I'll be waiting patiently. And by patiently, I mean my refresh button probably won't respect me in the morning.

So, new play = new Gale interview. I'm so ( Read more... )

lj, theatre: orpheus descending, gale howard, gale: articles, gale quotes o' speshul wisdom

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Comments 24

nolyana January 15 2010, 21:43:53 UTC
So I opened up my guns and let them blaze

The image I get every time I read this. ... Wha?? ;)



reeface January 15 2010, 21:45:51 UTC
And, boy, did it work on CowLip, heh. They pretty much orgasmed on sight.


nolyana January 15 2010, 22:12:09 UTC
Ree, you think Randypants will be there for his Galeus!! And take pix with him just like SLS?? *wishes and prays*


reeface January 15 2010, 23:24:31 UTC
God, I hope so! Randy's between jobs right now, I think, so here's hoping he's already hopped a flight to CA. :D


medveditsa January 15 2010, 21:45:33 UTC
I was just translating this interview and I'm all OMFGWOW right now... I mean, hey, "I opened up my guns and let them blaze"?.. "We can sit around on a blanket with some wine and grapes and get to them all"?.. That sounds like Val Xavier is talking, don't you think?
"It’s phraseology." Oh, that's definitely Gale!!! %)))


reeface January 15 2010, 21:50:55 UTC
SRSLY WOW. Sounds so Gale to me. Oh, Gale, I love your brain.

Hee! I can so hear him saying it. So, yup, a Gale word, but sadly not a Galeword. It existed before he got a hold of it, y'know? ;)


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brainofjb January 15 2010, 22:16:26 UTC
*thinks about ways to hide mini tape recorder and video camera*
I so hope that someone manages to really do that. I wanna hear him sing! This kills me... :P


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brainofjb January 15 2010, 22:27:23 UTC
Hehe... :)
But I'm worried because the theater is so small...

Well, have fun there (:D) and don't let them kick you out! :P


brainofjb January 15 2010, 22:14:02 UTC
It's an amazing article! :)
And I also wondered who Shurtleff is, so thanks for pointing that out. Although, it's too late over here for the part of my brain that is responsible for me understanding English to be able to understand his (Shurtleff's) views. I guess I need to read these quotes again in the morning. :P

But now to GALE!!! :D
I think he was "typically Gale" in this interview. *g* The "I-don't-give-a-shit-about-the-QAF-audition" attitude compared with "I'm-a-Southern-boy,-you-know?" and "art-is-meta-fascinating-and-I-find-the-words-to-tell-you-that!" That is our Gale! LOL.

How I wish I could see this! :(


reeface January 15 2010, 23:27:44 UTC
He was so the Gale we know and love! :D

Me too. :( Let's hold each other through it all.


kinwad January 15 2010, 22:23:59 UTC
*g* Just to "fill in the blanks": Michael Shurtleff was a pretty famous casting director years ago, particularly on Broadway. Had a long association w/the producer, David Merrick. He also worked w/Bob Fosse.

He wrote a book in the late seventies called, "Audition: Everything an Actor Needs to Know to Get the Part," that so many actors used as a guide. But it wasn't cut and dried. It was more how to get yourself into the role. Even producers and directors used it.

Many acting students still use it.


brainofjb January 15 2010, 22:33:07 UTC
kinwad with the insider info! YAY! Thanks for that! :)

...and sorry, Ree, that I'm kind of "hijacking" this post! :P


reeface January 15 2010, 23:29:41 UTC
Pbbt! I totally don't mind, bb. ;)


reeface January 15 2010, 23:29:08 UTC
Thank you, hon. That totally helps! :D


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