Books: Heart and Brain vol 1, Moon Called vol 1

Aug 30, 2016 10:00

We interrupt this seriousness for a brief treadmill and graphic novel break. A few days ago I decided I needed new things in the "to read" stack and clicked through my Amazon list until I hit $50 of books in my cart. Among those books were two comic books and a graphic novel. Last night I took the stack over to the treadmill and walked until I was done walking, which was two books worth.

The Awkward Yeti Presents Heart and Brain, by Nick Seluk. Comic book. Paperback, 143 pages. Book 1 of the compiled comics of The Awkward Yeti.

There are a lot of too-true comments made by both Brain and Heart in this comic. I found the comics where Brain was keeping Lars awake to be the closest to painful, particularly with regard to Sunday nights around this house.

Moon Called, Vol 1, by Patricia Briggs, David Lawrence, Amelia Woo, and Zach Matheney. Graphic Novel, 128 pages. Visual adaptation of the Urban Fantasy by the same name, which is the first book in the Mercy Thompson series.

I'm not sure I'm a fan of this art style, but I'm pleased with the way the story was distilled into the central story line. The words that ended up on the page were the essence of the plot, and the images definitely conveyed both motion and emotion. Unfortunately, most of the human eyes were either unnecessarily freaky or just rolled-up and undead.

treadmill, books

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