Back Down Under

Jul 25, 2010 17:17

So here I am staving off jetlag - distracting myself from the very strong desire to just crash right now at four in the afternoon by posting and reading and avoiding all horizontal surfaces that will lure me into a sleep that will seriously screw up my already somewhat distorted body clock. My bio rhythms are more like bio cacophanies right now.  ( Read more... )

travels, usa

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Comments 4

veronamay July 25 2010, 10:04:25 UTC
SO ENVIOUS. I am glad you had such a great visit though!


ash48 July 25 2010, 11:16:17 UTC
Welcome back to sunny Perth.

Wow, sounds like you had an awesome time. Very envious. I lived there for a year many (omg many) years ago and a lot of your observations were similar to mine. It's quite an amazing place - though full of contrasts.

Was the PD good??

Hope your jetlag doesn't last too long.


carolandtom July 25 2010, 13:31:43 UTC
I love the report of your experience. Now I'm looking forward to your pics!


netlynn July 25 2010, 13:51:29 UTC
Oooooh I've been waiting on this one. :D Can I just tell you that I was smiling like an idiot the whole way through? I love hearing your opinions on the likes/dislikes of the states and believe it or not some of the same things you mentioned are some of the same reasons I love my country the way I do.

I am so glad you had a wonderful time and I'm glad I got to share most of it with you along the way. Although, I did forget to ask about USS Midway. Did ya see any ghosts?

Try to get some rest today, you have to be screwed up as hell and on the totally wrong time zone. Did you ever get back to sleep this morning after our txt?

Good luck tomorrow at work, I hope it's a good day for you and the wench behaves. ;)

*hugs you*


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