My sport, my passion, my obsession...

May 05, 2010 21:05

It's been three days now since the end of the 2010 Australian Agility Nationals held here in Perth this year.

Picspam of my favourite pups to watch at play.... )

agility, picspam, spryte, nationals

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Comments 7

ellyfanfic May 5 2010, 14:17:37 UTC
Beautiful pics, thanks for sharing. Love that blue merle BC. And congrats on your (and your dogs') accomplishments!


redteekal May 6 2010, 13:23:26 UTC
Hmmm wonder why you love the blue merle BC?? *vbg* Thanks for the congrats, we had heaps of fun. How's your agility training coming along?


lillaw May 5 2010, 15:42:04 UTC
Doggiiiieees!! How awesome they are!! Congratulations to you, all of you! And they certainly couldn't have done so well without YOU. I can tell you had such a good time.

All of the pics are beautiful, and so are all the various breeds, but I have to say, Spryte is my pick of all of them. She is gorgeous. And wee Neala looks READY TO PLAY with the big ones, doesn't she. ♥

Thank you for showing the pictures. And this? The event has inspired me to work even harder towards the next one - there's no such thing as too much training or conditioning or learning when it comes to this sport and I hope to have young Savvy (a Spryte daughter) competing by then - who knows - maybe she'll even make the Masters class by then? We can but try. IS SO YOU. ♥!!!


redteekal May 6 2010, 13:29:29 UTC
Awww you really like Miss Sprytey Mite the bestest? *beams* I'm kinda partial to her myself *g* Speaking on things that are SO YOU. Watched Ironman 2 tonight - now I know it's probably not your kinda thing (but I'm guessing Mr Lilla would be up for it *g*) and I watched Scarlett Johansson kicking some serious ass as Agent Romanov and I have to say the moves she used? Made me think MMA bigtime and instantly I pictured you in her place - she was tiny compared to the guys she was taking on but the thing was the moves she made were totally using that fact - it was awesome! Go see it if you can!


serenography May 5 2010, 22:17:17 UTC
What amazing and happy looking dogs. I'm glad to hear you had such an incredible time.


redteekal May 6 2010, 13:31:05 UTC
Thanks :) I love seeing these dogs in the flesh and I am wrapt that there are photos out there capturing their sheer enthusiasm and glee at playing with their handlers.


netlynn May 10 2010, 19:00:25 UTC
See? LJ sucks some serious ass because I never got this post notice. :( I had been waiting on you to post pictures and I cannot believe I'm 5 days late now.

Your dogs are absolutely gorgeous! Their coat is so shiny and with the sun shining on them it looks even more picture perfect.

Congrats on your 'kids' accomplishments, I know you're a proud mom.



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