I'm not one to post a lot lately. But since it's school holidays and I should be doing distasteful things like tax returns, breast scans, blood work ups, 9th grade english assessment marking, trying to book a pleasant dinner reservation for 7 people for the parents' 40th Wedding Anniversary (when said Parents are about as adventurous as Victor
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Comments 13
Dean HAS his story - it's about Sam. Sam's story is about Dean.
Mostly. There are a few other elements thrown into the mix - monsters, angels, demons, friendships and loss, but the underpinning theme is Sam and Dean, not the things in between.
That's how SPN rolls and that is why I love this show so bloody much.
I get more annoyed when they digress into secondary characters - with the exception of Bobby's key episode which was important. I love Misha, and I like Castiel but I don't want loads of episodes about Cas - that is not what keeps the show going for me.
Dean has his storyline. That storyline has always been and always will be Sam. Since Sam was 6 months old he has been Dean's storyline. Sam has wanted Dean to have more than just big brother as his storyline. But Dean has tried that. And failed at it. It's messed up but it works. And if I wanted a show about normal brother relationships I would watch Parenthood or Malcolm in The Middle. Thanks be to Kripke for my psychotically, irrationally, erotically co dependent brothers. May they never change, have normalcy or end up dying separately.
I thought the opener was a perfect example of the messed up, co-dependent, unhealthy, wonderful, captivating relationship these two men have. In fact, I think I'm loving it more and more the more I examine it.
Me too!
What goes on in some people's heads is weird, man.
Yeah, while what Dean tricked Sam into is a violation and will have huge impact when exposed, that is what this show is about after all. Made me feel very uncomfortable. Like I did in On the Head of a Pin when I saw Dean act in ways that also made me very uncomfortable. But we/I need that uncomfort to get to the comfort (lol).
If there wasn't fan debate/wank/yelling/whatever, the show wouldn't be the show I guess.
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