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Comments 7

amberdreams May 24 2013, 10:29:52 UTC
I didn't see that much of you after we spoke about Jared's absence so I'm glad to hear you ended up having such a good time in spite of him not being there! I was amazed how Jensen handled the Jared sized hole, he seemed to make an extra effort to relax regardless - I do think there is a notable difference between Jensen alone on stage and Jensen with a companion, so putting him with Ty was a great success as well as his Misha joint panel.

I'd love to hear about the M&Gs, you always have such a good memory for the details! And of course, your photos...front row and your skill with a camera is a winning combo! I was too far back to get any really good ones this year.

I totally agree about JIB's organisation and staff - they excelled themselves this year under very difficult circumstances. They pulled out all the stops to make sure that people had as much compensation as was physically possible for Jared pulling out - as did all the guests. Gold stars all round, I think!


ash48 May 24 2013, 11:05:24 UTC
Thanks for the summing up! I thought of you when I heard that Jared wasn't able to go. It looks like you had a good time. :))

The photos are AMAZING!!! You have captured the very essence of Jensen it seems. What a gorgeous looking man. Those eye crinkles will kill me I swear!!

Hopefully next hols we can do a re-watch of those last few eps. Talk about EPIC!! Jared was amazing and I can't wait to hear what he says about the process of bringing that to the screen. I was SO SO impressed with his amazing performance.



borgmama1of5 May 24 2013, 11:48:22 UTC
Good to see you! Great pix as usual :)

Will you be writing about the M&Gs? You know we what to know :)


cassiopeia7 May 24 2013, 12:28:29 UTC
Your crazy itinerary exhausts ME, and all I did was read it! I imagine the jet lag is either phenomenal or virtually nonexistent?

SUCH GLORIOUS PHOTOS! You are a master at getting the best shots -- thanks so much for sharing!


kazluvsbooks May 24 2013, 13:57:29 UTC
You must be simply EXHAUSTED!! ((hugs))

I am so sorry that you went all that way and didn't see Jared,i know i would have been devastated but such is life..and the shots you took of Jensen are exquisite!!

Even though i see you on tumblr it is great see you post over here and then i know i don't miss anything!!


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