A Post for Posterity

Dec 01, 2012 10:10

I am feeling like I need to make a post here to mark several milestones, happenings, momentous occasions etc etc.
Things to do with fandom, movies, television, music, travel, travel blogs, puppies and what an actual real live cold winter is.

Firstly what a tumultuous time this has been of recent weeks for fandom. There was GISHWHES (spearheaded by a Misha Collins himself) a mad 6 or 7 days of over 15,000 people around the world in teams of 15 running round their home locations getting all kinds of items done. My team was most very excellent and it was great fun even though I was participating out of a suitcase.

Not long after that there was news of plans for another adventure, a Christmas one that Misha had come up with - a live screening broadcast online of Stonehenge Apocalypse. Misha was going to get the rights, hire a studio and get online during a viewing of it and chat with fans who signed up. There were various levels of participation involved based on the rego cost you wanted - it started at around 8 bucks I think. In short, due to some overly vocal, very visible, douchebag responses from the minority sectors of fandom Misha cancelled it a few days after rego opened. There were some very glum friends in fandom. And we haven't had a tweet from him since.

Then to add to the woes there was some backlash from a fan account of a wine tasting party held at the Padalecki's. The fan was perfectly nice, just wanting to share his fortunate circumstances with people he knew would get a kick out of it and due to his probably very surface and face value recount of exchanges he had with Gen there was a new wave Gen hate on Tumblr. *sigh*

Link for recount is HERE and yes - Jared was dancing on his own table at his own party.

Followed up with the general butthurt whining over the PCA's (firstly putting the Js against each other) and a very spur of the moment Jensen idea related via his BIL on Twitter that if he won he would make sure he named the person who voted for him the most in his acceptance speech. Of course there's a whole bunch of whining about "but he's against Jared, what's he doing?" Blah blah blah butthurt cry cry cry.

So I know a number of us 'moderates' when it comes to these sorts of things were feeling a little disappointed, a bit despondent and more than a little fed up with some pretty poor conduct/online behaviour from some very minority sectors of our most splendiferous fandom. Add to that I was holding my breath that the fandom could pull their shit together enough to get Jared over the line (like they had for Jensen and Misha in the previous two months) on the BillE Celebrity Charity Challenge for his charity A Dog's Life.

BUT THEY DID!! Less than 5 days to go and we were over 10 thousand votes behind the first place person. With just under 2 days to go I woke up to the news that we had pulled in front! I don't know what happened (I do know I got my hubby to start voting and I harrassed all my IRL friends about it on email and on FB to sign up) but I was pretty damn pleased. Probably inordinately pleased. I knew he would win in December but I just saw this whole dropping the ball on Jared thing as almost a symbol for the lack of apprection that does exist in fandom for Jared. It's as clear as day - every single Con? Jensen's Photo ops and M&G sell out before Jared's. That's all I need to know right there. So achieving this win? THREE MONTHS IN A ROW? FREAKING AWESOME! So happy to see that happen and certainly reinvogorated a fresh wave of fondness for our fandom.

25 THOUSAND EUROS for Dog's Life - a rescue/shelter facility for dogs. TWO THUMBS UP and very much I LIKE!
Also Jared will be tweeting a photo soon as he did promise if we got his charity over the line that he'd do so.

SO - a ray of sunshine! And the PCA's will be a no brainer for us. There will be 3 Glass Vaginas heading to the Supernatural home of that I have no doubt. The number of fans who have voted INTO THE THOUSANDS already is not insignificant. One person is up to over 65 thousand votes already and voting doesn't close till January! I've put a measly 2000 votes down.

A great response to meltingconfetti's J2 video I commissioned via my charity auction win and we both wowed over the fact that my first love affair with her vids started nearly over FIVE years ago now with this vid RIGHT HERE:
Password is: j2

Go watch if you haven't seen it and go watch even if you have - it's just one of those vids that gets under your skin in the most delightfully tingly way. I audio ripped this vid years ago and even now have it on at least one playlist that I listen to each day. I can't say how many times I've watched it and now it's like this beautifully nostalgic look back at the guys' friendship and how their lives intertwined.

Saw Wreck It Ralph yesterday, a fun kids flick but with some pretty good humour in it. Didn't leave either of us bored anyway. We also caught a couple of bluray Star Trek:TNG season 2 episodes up on the big screen at a one off screening. Tell you what the Bluray treatment is sweet - I would like to order all seasons of Due South on bluray please.

One other momentous occasion (for me anyway) is that my TRAVEL blog is finally up to date! We are currently in Cape Cod, Maine and all my entries are up right up until yesterday when we left Portland! YAY!!! Think that's happened once in the last 5 months of travel. So please feel free to peruse and catch up on my wanderings..sherunswithdogs.wordpress.com....I even found a LEGIT Big Foot

I prefer the Sasquatch that's in our fandom to be honest ;) He's less hairy, less stationary and on the whole much more easier on the eyes. Speaking of...Wednesday's episode was absolute ♥ ♥ ♥ and my god however those flashbacks have me going all squinty eyed over writing my eyes end up WIDE OPEN looking at these sorts of scenes...

I loved what this episode was hinting rather anvilly at throughout the whole thing with these flashbacks. I don't mind Amelia at all...I'm not over the moon about her but I think she's holding her own. Not sure what the fairly consistent hate I see on twitter is borne out of but whatever. SAM IS SO DAMN PRETTY WITH HER. I'm going to have to cap the hell out of these flashbacks I think. Also THE CAT!!!

One more vid rec!
Of my PUPPY!! His name is Colt! I hope this turns up in the post okay and that the link works, let me know if it doesn't. His official name is Winpara Weapon Of Choice
Can't wait to get home to meet him! But first Christmas in NYC and NYE in Las Vegas!

Reading Material Right Now that I Am Loving:

The Fountainhead Ayn Rand (has anyone written a J2 around this? I find the thought fascinating!)
Moranthology by Caitlin Moran
(I gave missyjack her first book after cackling myself silly reading it - How To Be A Woman)
The New New Rules by Bill Maher
The Other Side of Desire by Daniel Bergner

That is all...and now a question for you oh vivacious flist - what is your favourite song RIGHT NOW?

fandom, travels, music, videos, jared padalecki, charity, books

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