The Beans are Spilt - What Jared was like as a baby...

Sep 25, 2012 23:04

So my hubby calls me freaky when it comes to remembering this stuff - I'm just annoyed it doesn't cross over to whenever I read anything - I'd like Spencer Reid's talent please, but I have this talent for recalling when stuff has been spoken to me and when I repeat it, in that I can pretty much retain much of what has been said. Example I can still ( Read more... )

meet and greet dallascon, jared padalecki

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Comments 52

winchestergirl September 25 2012, 15:42:07 UTC
oh man i am so jealous of you right now LOL for actually getting to go AND for having suck a fantastic memory :D

thanks for the report..damn that boy is pretty *sighs*


redteekal September 26 2012, 02:25:31 UTC
You're welcome :)


winchestergirl September 26 2012, 02:46:15 UTC
ok I'm re-reading my comment and facepalming so hard right now... of course I meant such...not suck... that will teach me to post a comment late at night in the dark LOL


hells_half_acre September 25 2012, 16:42:19 UTC
Thank you so much for typing this up! People so rarely type up Jared's M&Gs it seems, so I really appreciate it, because I love listening to that man ramble.

Jared is a huge sweetheart!

I really appreciate your auditory memory! :)


redteekal September 26 2012, 02:26:11 UTC
You're very welcome! Yes there should definitely be more Jared write ups!


lily_marlen September 25 2012, 17:22:42 UTC
Huge thanks for this report!


redteekal September 26 2012, 02:32:26 UTC
Huge you're welcome!


katwoman76 September 25 2012, 17:56:29 UTC
Did I mention lately that I love you.
Such a detailled report. It's almost like I was there myself. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

(of course I'm also green with envy, but you probably guessed that ;))


redteekal September 26 2012, 02:39:00 UTC
Love you too! You're very welcome. I loved every second of it.


cindyls September 25 2012, 18:29:28 UTC
Thank you for this! It was starting to seem like Jared wasn't even at the con, if you go by reports and those videos where the person kept the camera on Jensen even when Jared was talking ;-) Also, I concur with another poster - it's nice to see a Jared Q and A Report for once!


redteekal September 26 2012, 02:45:45 UTC
That is so lame. And frankly a little offensive. I don't understand it - I mean fine if you love Jensen more great, post all about it in your journal but if you are videoing cons with the intention of uploading for the benefit of the fans and they're both THERE and Jared's talking and you never show him? That's just rude and disrespectful to Jared, like saying he's completely superfluous and has no importance in the success of the show or fandom. Ugh. I have a new pet peeve.

Glad I could provide a bit of Jared love!


cindyls September 26 2012, 03:25:41 UTC
Oh I so agree and thanks for saying it all so well! I could write a book about the heartache this fandom causes me sometimes ;-) Jared love is the best!


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