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Comments 11

katwoman76 September 16 2012, 16:39:09 UTC
How am I supposed to get anything else done today, when all I want to do is look at these awesome photos of this gorgeous man

PS: Thank you for the Pa(n)da (aka Moose in disguise)


redteekal September 20 2012, 00:38:05 UTC
You're very welcome! :) And you're not supposed to do anything other than look at his gorgeous pics anyway ;)


big_heart_june September 16 2012, 17:41:09 UTC
He always ALWAYS makes me HAPPPPPPY! I LOVE his face and SMILE (eeeee! teeeeth!) and pretty much everything else too. ♥
Also! THANK YOU, BB, for my panda and your lovely words! ♥!


redteekal September 20 2012, 00:38:45 UTC
You're very welcome! He's definitely Jared Padahappy!


robynize September 16 2012, 18:28:39 UTC
I have used anti depressants before, and I believe this one would beat them all out hands down! Hence my ever popular catch phrase "Jared is Love!"

... )


redteekal September 20 2012, 00:41:42 UTC
That he is my dear! THAT HE IS and so say all of us.


borgmama1of5 September 16 2012, 21:30:59 UTC
I think you're on to something--Jared could put the pharmaceutical companies out of business :)


redteekal September 20 2012, 00:41:08 UTC
We shall not reveal his true alter ego identity then: Jared PadaHappyMakingLecki.


peepingdru September 16 2012, 21:59:33 UTC
Amen padaleski::DDDD

... )


redteekal September 20 2012, 00:40:25 UTC
OMG I love this part...but mostly Jensen crying because he can't do his scene LOLLLOLLLOLLL!!!


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