Jensen Ackles - such a manipulative little bitch that guy!

Sep 03, 2012 14:14

HA! Not really. But seriously he knows how to work it. Had Jared back pedalling, repeating several times that "but you weren't even there! You were overseas dude! Come on!" TEEHEE! I just know Jared's gonna figure out a way to get him a schwag bag now.

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jensen ackles, vancon, boys!, j2, jared padalecki

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Comments 10

maguie September 3 2012, 07:24:36 UTC
hahahah yes he said: "I didn't get one!"

and Jared said: "cause you were overseas or somewhere.."
and Jensen: "still I didn't get one"

and pouting hehe it was really funny


redteekal September 6 2012, 02:10:05 UTC
If I was Jared I'd totally be giving him flack for MISSING HIS 30TH!!! I think Jared is a huge softie when it comes to Jensen - bet he caves to him ALL the time ;-P


katwoman76 September 3 2012, 12:45:40 UTC
I have to say - Jared is right.
How dare Jensen be overseas when Jared celebrates his big 3. If he wanted schwag, he should've been in Texas. *sticks tongue out*


redteekal September 6 2012, 02:12:05 UTC
HEAR HEAR!!!!! I was backing Jared all the way on this one...I mean who goes off to Scotland when they could be in Austin sharing his best friend's party of the decade?? No schwag for you!! *said in best Seinfeld Soup Nazi voice ever*


lupitarbd78 September 3 2012, 16:35:44 UTC


redteekal September 6 2012, 02:12:44 UTC
D'Awwwwwwwwww!!! I WUVS HEARTS.


cassiopeia7 September 4 2012, 00:25:22 UTC
Awesome. Purely awesome. Jensen, honey, you are the DEVIL. And mark my words, after that performance, Jensen WILL get one of those bags, even if Jared has to sew it himself. ;)

*returns to perusing that glorious pout*


redteekal September 6 2012, 02:14:11 UTC
You know he hasn't done it often but I reckon Jensen's pout with those lips is probably JUST as effective as Jared's puppy face eyes. He totally uses those lips to get what he wants I just KNOW it.


soulezz September 6 2012, 01:19:45 UTC
OMG!!! i'm so glad i found your page or not i'll never have been able to see Jensen's pout. this is just priceless. thank you very much.

as a head up i might share the pics on tumble. i hope you don't mind.

P.S. this made my day.



redteekal September 6 2012, 02:15:01 UTC
Share away or tumbl away all is good. Just link back to me when you do :) Cheers! And gad you liked :)


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