I started spamming twitter with some of these pics but I figured I'd put them here as well (and besides Twitter is being a little shite and telling me I'm over my limit - whatEVER!). A report later but for now I could not resist posting these. I kinda like 'em, even the slightly blurry ones because this man's expressions are hard to delete even when slightly fuzzy ;-)
Okay this next series I must mention before posting them - there were a lot of fans round the place which Jared appreciated, but this one fan got up and she was standing directly in line of a fan close by and subsequently had the tornado or vidal sassoon look happening as Jared said...he then tried to one up her with the following:
Vidal Jared Sassoon #1
Vidal Jared Sassoon #2
Vidal Jared Sassoon #3
Vidal Jared Sassoon #4
Vidal Jared Sassoon #5 - Not quite sure what Jared's aim was here but it looks like it should be private ;-)
Vidal Jared Sassoon #6
Vidal Jared Sassoon The Aftermath 1
Vidal Jared Sassoon The Aftermath 2
The man is a walking :-D emoticon I swear.
And then he got all shy when the entire room sang him Happy Birthday with Zach's help for next Thursday - but he couldn't help filming it and being adorable at the same time with his tongue stuck out between his teeth LOL!
One of my favourites is this one :-)
Jared found the next fan's shirt very amusing...
Then proceeded to give her his undivided attention and his bestest answer *vbg*
Okay this next series I managed to take ranks among my favourites so far...
When I saw this one I was all a flutter..
He's just so effusive about EVERYTHING.
Those goddamn eyes will be the death of me.
Jared commenting on semi naked Sam and Dean fan art presented to him, discovered in a a gallery in San Diego, "But I never wear my jeans without a belt!" LOL!!
Then he mentioned his concerns about his nipples being possibly skewed slightly inwards too much, but overall he felt that it was a somewhat less than accurate depiction of his current 'soft' state and that it was very flattering. And that he was going to track the piece down.
Posing for the afterpics.
Being concerned over the camera monster.
Zach is just so all over that.
A hug for one of his many BFF's Zach.
ETA - Woke up this morning to some lovely comments and I do hope to get back to you all whilst I am travelling, but in the meantime I did forget to mention - please feel free to link to this post and feel free to repost the photos, keep em, do stuff with 'em all I ask is that you link back to me on Twitter and LJ - @redteekal on Twitter as well :) CHEERS!! and THANKS - the comments always make me smile because I love knowing other people are appreciating the gorgeousness that is Jared.