Personal Assistant (Life organiser) required....please apply within.

Jun 24, 2012 10:41


OMG!!!! It's been FOREVER since I wrote here..... most remiss of me I know but having a year off is BUSY Y'ALL!!!

Click for puppies, pics, questions and a confession.... )

us trip, agility, book rec, savvy, spryte, confessions

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Comments 7

tasabian June 24 2012, 03:03:25 UTC
Congrats on the doggie victories!

Re. Parks: How far east are you traveling in Canada? I recommend Stanley Park in Vancouver - love biking through there. Lots of old growth trees & amazing plants.

My west coast friend also loves the Tofino parks:


redteekal June 24 2012, 04:12:39 UTC
Thanks! They were such good girlies :)

Oooh Stanley Park - have heard that's a good one. *adds it to the list* And thanks for the link to the Tofino parks - we are driving from Las Vegas up to Vancouver so hopefully can get some of those in.


borgmama1of5 June 24 2012, 04:18:29 UTC
Very cool seeing pix of your doggies! And congrat on doing so well!


redteekal June 24 2012, 07:09:44 UTC
Thanks :) Very happy with how we went.


ash48 June 24 2012, 04:38:31 UTC
Thanks for the update!! And congrats for Sydney - even with that one bad day it sounds like you guys did very well. Hee... Savvy and Mr (tv star) Flynn!! \o/ That ad was hilarious...!!

HAVE AN AWESOME TIME AWAY! Keep us updated....<333

And I will pass no judgement re you liking 50 Shades.... will not....;)


(hey... and I had my 2 secs of fame in the recent School Matters mag...).


redteekal June 24 2012, 07:13:45 UTC
I thought that ad was pretty clever. And yes Border Collies really are that smart! LOL!

I will definitely keep you updated. Planning on doing a blog.

Ooooh hope you kept the copy of it! I don't think I get that one through the mail.

*cough* yes 50 shades. OMG have you read them?? I'm thinking your love of the ridiculously well constructed Spn fanfic prose may not allow you to get through these ;-) If it helps I totally envisioned the protagonist/antagonist combo as a certain favourite couple for us ;-) LOL!!!


ash48 June 25 2012, 11:33:26 UTC
Hee... If it WAS about a certain couple I would definitely be reading!!



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