Sam - Master Post

Jun 30, 2011 15:35

Title: Sam
Genre: H/C
Pairing: Dean/Future!Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~20k
Spoilers: 5x04 - "The End"
Warnings: graphic description of torture, violence and sex, suicide attempt, End!verse canon supporting-character death

Summary:So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
And nothing else matters
~ Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -

PDF by twasadark

Art Master Post

A/N: Written for the spn_j2_bigbang challenge.
Disclaimer: This is a fanwork. Neither the author nor the work are affiliated with the original series it is based on. No profit is made.

Thank you to:

gicee for picking my story and making such beautiful art for it! I can't tell you enough how happy I am with your pics!

machabadbneman for being amazing, helpful, patient and simply the best beta ever ;)

twasadark for providing a PDF!

wendy and thehighwaywoman for having brought this great challenge to live and keeping it fun!

pairing: dean/future!dean, big bang 2011, genre: h/c, fic: sam, setting: canon, genre: slash, supernatural

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