Summary: Tokyo’s third office of the Wish Granting Co. Ltd. is headed up by one Tezuka Kunimitsu, supported (in theory) by his staff - people like Momoshiro, Kaidoh, and Fuji Shuusuke. The company relies on technology, but when it comes to Fuji, what Tezuka actually needs is just a little bit of magic
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Comments 8
This is such a neat AU! As soon as I saw the summary I knew I was going to like it. I love that you included so many different characters, & the Akutsu/Dan, & the TezuFuji interaction was great.
I've friended you, hope you don't mind. :)
Akutsu/Dan is one of those pairings I love, but can't quite seem to write seriously, so when I was thinking about the people Tezuka and Fuji should grant a wish for, I thought of them. It was them or Atobe, but Atobe didn't seem quite so fun.
:D I don't mind at all; I've friended you back~
:D Thank you for your request, I should say. I'm pleased I wrote something I wouldn't normally go anywhere near, actually. Not because I don't have the ideas, but because I'd normally shy away from a lot of AUs because I simply don't (or didn't) have the confidence to stick with them all the way through.
Sometimes I just wonder if I have the committment to see an original story through from beginning to end. ^__^;
Hopefully one day. :D And thank you again. ♥
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