pete's blog just now:
patrick and i actually box stepped, old ass french blue blood style. not fox trot. damn you babymama when i need to know the name of a dance. itll be sweeter and sweeter tho cause he leads. ill try and get him to dip me or something.
OMG, people! Where is the fic! Write THE FIC!
And, Pete, get it all on tape. For realz. For the love of everything that is good and holy, GET THE DIPPING ON TAPE!!!
To help Pete out with this, I posted
this link in a comment to his blog. Sexy salsa dips. Hell yeah. lol. btw, you guys all know about dipping being a symbol of sexual submission, right? because it is 100% true and I want to see pete and patrick do it! (it's similar to Colin's sexy submission yoga. to quote brendon in pccf: "total trust. kinky." :-D)