I'm downloading it right now! Are there enough Arthur/Merlin moments to keep me happy? I find Gwen a little offputting in the Arthur/Gwen relationship. I mean, I buy that Arthur loves her, but....
I'm the same way, but this ep totally charmed me. One really good thing about it is that even though there aren't a lot of Arthur/Merlin moments, the ones that are there are so domestic. They are acting like like a couple that has been together for a long time and are each other's best friends. You know, the kind of deep faith in your relationship that makes you feel safe to voice your fears and let the other see you in a very vulnerable place? That was 100% the Arthur/Merlin scenes in this ep for me. There's this one scene where Arthur and Merlin talk about destiny which is especially delightful. Merlin gives Arthur strength to follow his heart! I can't help being charmed by that. :D
Me too! Elena would have made a kick-ass queen. I'm pretty sure she and Arthur could be total BFFs and have their own little adventures on the side, which they would then gossip about and compare notes. :DDD
Comments 8
Are there enough Arthur/Merlin moments to keep me happy? I find Gwen a little offputting in the Arthur/Gwen relationship. I mean, I buy that Arthur loves her, but....
And I was kinda shipping Arthur/Elena!
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