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Hope you don't mind the small twist~ healsforjustice November 27 2011, 01:16:23 UTC
Amelia had made a point of avoiding looking at the windows, just for fear of what she might see. She was still getting used to the district, so wasn't about to take the risk and make a scene if the risque displays caught her off guard. What she couldn't ignore though, where the employee's handing out pamplets outside shops to promote their offers. As it happened, some enthusiastic staff were encouraging people to pay for some quality time with their models, and let it slip that the new guy they were offering up had yet to be informed of this ( ... )


whutobjection November 27 2011, 01:50:16 UTC
Phoenix is chained on a bed in nothing but his boxer shorts in the store window. He may like this sort of stuff in private, but not in sort of everyone. Luckily Feenie doesn't see everyone's eyes due to the fact it's a glass that allows them to see the models, but the models won't see them until the purchase is made.

He looks over at Amelia. “What do you mean?”


healsforjustice November 27 2011, 02:00:19 UTC
Her level of sympathy for the lawyer was increasing by the minute. Having seen people outside oogling at the models, she guessed he would be in for a nasty surprise later if she didn't do something. After another glance to make sure the staff weren't watching, she climbed up onto the heightened display, standing over the bed while already wondering if she would have to use magic to break the chains holding Phoenix to the bed.

"I mean if you don't get out of here quickly, someone will...purchase you." she sighed heavily, holding the pamplet up for him to read, expression clearly apologetic for the unpleasant news.


whutobjection November 27 2011, 02:29:48 UTC
This icon is a good representation of Feenie's face as he hears the news... he knew this was the District, and that sort of thing was to be expected. But they could have told him. (They were, but the store was so in a hurry for Black Friday they forgot to tell the new guy about 'the sale', and The Manager thought it would be good for a laugh.)

“I need a paycheck but...”


healsforjustice November 27 2011, 02:38:53 UTC
That look on his face coupled with the words were all the incentive Amelia needed, moving around to the top of the bed, hands glowing with a spell before the tugged at the chains, snapping them with some ease. Admittedly this might have been surprising, considering she might not had looked that strong, being so petite and young looking, but this was hardly the time for explanations.

Once that was taken care of, she nudged Phoenix to sit up, looking at where all the staff were. The only real problem would be the ones hanging around the door. "I can distract them to give you time to leave, don't worry." she spoke, offering a reassuring smile before jumping down and heading towards the workers, wanting to give the attorney as much time as possible to flee.


whutobjection November 27 2011, 02:58:01 UTC
Phoenix blinks a little at the girls powers, but there's no time for asking.

The locker room is in the back, meaning that Phoenix has to make a dash for it in nothing but his underwear.

“Where do I go?” He asks as he rubs his wrists.


healsforjustice November 27 2011, 03:12:10 UTC
Casting a glance back, she took note of his lack of movement, noticing the clerks were starting to get suspicious of her stalling. Well, no choice now if she wanted to help the man leave the store. She didn't want to resort to this, but there was no other option.

With a quiet mutter of 'sleeping', a few moments passed before the staff were lying on the ground, soundly unconscious. Luckily she had enough control to spread it just far enough without trapping Phoenix in the enchantment.

"It's okay, you should be fine now. They won't wake up for a while, so you can get out of here in the meantime." she called, moving back over to the lawyer in case there was anything else she could do. Considering the spell she had just used without warning, she wouldn't blame him if he was confused.


whutobjection November 27 2011, 03:44:52 UTC
Yes Phoenix is confused but whatever, he has to get his clothes and get out. He looks over at Amelia before he runs.

“I never thanked you, whats your name?”


healsforjustice November 27 2011, 03:49:42 UTC
She blinked a moment, surprised he didn't just take the chance to get what he needed and head for the door. Still, at the very least she appreciated the gesture, even if she felt she had done what any decent person would have.

"Oh, I'm Amelia, it's nice to meet you, despite the circumstances." she replied, still smiling in a friendly, innocent manner.


whutobjection November 27 2011, 07:16:54 UTC
Phoenix smiles at her and gives her a kiss on the cheek. “ I'm Phoenix... my apartment is only a block or two away from this store. Visit me sometime.”

It is then he dashes off, leaving the building through the exit in the locker room after he gets his clothes.

Should we end this, or...?


healsforjustice November 27 2011, 09:37:04 UTC
Amelia didn't have a chance to respond at all, left too dumbfounded by the sudden kiss to speak. She could only watch him disappear, cheeks pink fingers touching the side of her face, before smiling softly to herself. She would have to remember to take him up on that offer at some point.

[ooc: We can always say he dropped something in his rush which she can return if want to continue. Up to you~]


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