
Apr 03, 2011 14:31

So, my day as of now:

List and Gifs under the cut )

real life, ramblings, gifs

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Comments 18

bas_math_girl April 3 2011, 19:20:10 UTC
Ooh! Lovely gifs!! Nothing like a bit of Ten and Eight [That sounds like Cockney rhyming slang for something]

I always think Ten and Donna lend themselves to a happy fic.... not that I'm biased or anything (on this Ten/Rose-fest site of yours).


redknightalex April 3 2011, 19:28:12 UTC
Oi! Where's the hugs?! *HUGS* You can't escape my hugs this time!

I found the gifs on tumblr (why is everyone over there now? I have an account but never do anything with it) so they are definitely not mine. I just went on a download fest and took a bunch. I'll save the others for when you're in bed as, well, they don't correspond to your liking if you catch my drift.

Yes, I know you're biased, but let's be civil, yeah? And it's not really a Ten/Rose-fest all the time around here: just half the time. How many posts have been about the upcoming season? Hrm? And, I'll have you know, you'll be delighted about your b-day fic (whenever I get my mood up to writing it). It's got emo!Ten, smut, angst, fix-its, and totally fits with canon (my biggest factor in writing, tbh). Plus, it's all about Doctor/Donna, you see? You'll love it, promise.


...I give you hugs. Care for a cuppa?


bas_math_girl April 3 2011, 19:38:49 UTC
EEK!! I forgot the hugs!!! *hugs you quickly* *hugs you slowly* Hugs you again for good measure*

I don't have an account there; not exactly a shocker, but there you go! And okay, I won't look later. ;)

True, but I like to tease. Does this mean that I'll finally get my fic? *smiles at you like an anxious puppy* I love it already. :)


Yes please! I never need second asking for tea!!


redknightalex April 4 2011, 02:41:19 UTC
:) Thank you. I was feeling very un-loved for a moment.

There's a bunch of DW images and gifs on tumblr that I've found so far that I'm thinking of getting a tad more active in it just so I can report them here. I'm not sure if that's the point. Then again, with tumblr, it's hard to keep track of the original poster! Ack!

I know, you do like to tease at times. You're really, very silly when you want to be (ie not lounging away in bed like a drama queen ;D).

I'm working on the fic, I swear. It's just a matter of getting my fingers to type it out, you see. And, oh no!, not the puppy dog eyes. :( I'm so behind in fic writing that it really isn't funny. I suppose it'll just teach people the quality of being patient, yeah?


Sorry it's so late but I can reserve a cup for you tomorrow morning. Well, my tomorrow morning. How does that sound? I think I might fancy an Earl Grey in the morning. Yes, I know it's not a proper morning tea, but I do like it. Calms me more than the breakfast teas. Plus the smell is wonderful.


heintz57 April 3 2011, 23:28:31 UTC
There is nothing wrong with writing Ten in a happy moment can't wait to read it. You have been busy and I am glad your Mom will be home so you can get your hugs. But until then ((hugs/Hugs/Hugs)) Now do you feel a bit better.


redknightalex April 4 2011, 02:45:46 UTC
There is nothing wrong with writing Ten in a happy moment

You sure about that? I don't think I quite believe you...

Thanks for the hugs, seeing as someone above you forgot them, and I did get a big hug from me mum once I picked her up at the airport. After a while, the novelty of it wore off, of course, and now the focus is, once more, back on my apartment hunting. Joy.

Yes, I do feel better. I even feel pretty good about the upcoming week, which surprises me to no end. Wonder how long that'll last....


heintz57 April 4 2011, 04:16:33 UTC
Hopefully the feeling will last throughout the week.

Yeah of course you can write a Ten happy moment especially with how your heart is uplifted today. So go ahead try you might be surprised.

Ahh apartment hunting that is something that can be fun and tiring at the same time. But the feeling of having your own place is like no other. A place where you can just do what you like, not have to worry about family being around, and enjoying the intimacy of relationships. Good luck on the hunting


redknightalex April 4 2011, 04:31:41 UTC
Me too!

I'll see how tomorrow goes and if happy!Ten still speaks to me. BMJ wants a Donna with happy!Ten but I want a happy!Ten with Rose. I might have to do both to please both of us! *snickers*

I hate apartment hunting. Plus, everything is so damn expensive around here and with my student loans I still have a massive amount of debt to pay off along with rent payments. It's ridiculous how much higher education costs, which I'm sure you know now (or do you get some help from the GI bill?). Ugh.

A place where you can just do what you like, not have to worry about family being around, and enjoying the intimacy of relationships.I like the bit of a place to myself but as for "intimate relationships" I'm still kinda bitter over my last one so I'm not sure I'll be pursuing anything romantic for a while (unless they, literally, bump into me and a romantic film starts to play out). And I don't have a bunch of irl friends to hang out with, and most of them don't enjoy the things I do, so I'll mostly be alone. I'll figure it out, eventually ( ... )


develish1 April 5 2011, 02:34:53 UTC
*hugs* that's for you

*hugs* that's for Ten

*squee* that's for Eight, coz I see so little of him :)


redknightalex April 5 2011, 03:17:42 UTC
*hugs* for you too. :)

*moar hugs* for Ten (he always needs a hug).

... )


develish1 April 5 2011, 03:29:30 UTC
I'll take an Eight fic instead of Nine or Ten if you have a plot bunny that'll work :)

I have quite the soft spot for him too


redknightalex April 5 2011, 03:37:20 UTC
I do have a few Eight plot bunnies running around here, but they're mostly angsty and you requested some smut. However, I can be flexible. Whatever you long as you keep that stick away. ;)

Eight is rather dreamy however....Hm....


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