So, I've taken the time, and money, to get all of my photos I took today -- which numbered to be around 90 on my walk alone -- onto Flickr and updated with titles and descriptions. I even had to get a pro Flickr account to upload all of my pictures. I'm using Adobe Lightroom 3 for all of my editing and uploading, mostly to Flickr, and I'm pretty
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Comments 9
1. I clicked on the first picture and thought "who stole the grass?" It was really strange to look at such a landscape and see no green grass at all
2. I had similar thoughts with the shots of the woods, i.e. "Where's the greenery?" Our woods have bluebells and daffodils at the moment you see. And again, to see almost no green seems weird.
I'm extremely envious of that view of the mountain though.
As for your points: well, it's not like everyone gets to have easy winters! ;)
You see, over here, we actually have four distinct seasons, or five if you count mud season, unlike you and your British rain. :) We've had a really rough winter, lots and lots of snow, and even without the snow our winters are almost always below freezing (if not below 0F during some months) and that kills all of the grass. But, grass is a weed so it always grows back. Just different scenery, yeah?
...Have you really never seen a place that has a spring like thus? No dead grass? No trees without leaves? Really? I think you need to travel more, hun. ;)
Anyway, I'll post some summer pictures someday. I've got a bunch of those too. Now, what about fall foliage? You've seen that, right?!
I had a great walk and it was downright beautiful (45F outside!) so I really had to get out. Plus, I handsome fun with Flickr.
Wonderful pics! :-)
Thank you! And Yosemite pics? Those sound amazing. Never been there myself but I can only imagine...
Oh, Yosemite is breathtaking, one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I'll have to post some pics to my LJ. =)
That mountain is Mt. Mansfield, the tallest in the state, and supposedly looks like a man if viewed correctly. *shrug* I can never see it. But that is my favorite spot to take pictures. Even has a bench to stand on too!
One of my older flist friends complained that I never had a picture of myself up, that I was like a ghost, so I, on occasion, do post a picture of myself. I wouldn't have this time but I really like the one that came out. Very outdoorsman-like.
And you're welcome. Thanks for looking. :)
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