Welcome to the recap of what is easily the most convoluted episode in eight seasons of SG-1. Mainly because the writers switch focus every 30 seconds.
Episode transcript can be found here:
www.stargate-sg1-solutions.com/wiki/8.18_%22Threads%22_Transcript (
I'll have the truth, with a side order of clarity, please. )
Comments 31
2. :)
3. It's true, the flag is Daniel's best looking outfit.
4. I wholeheartedly agree with what you said... Pete does get a hard time because he's not Jack, and okay, I will admit, I'm biased that way, but I think Pete still really helped expand upon Carter's character. And, aside from the whole buying-a-house-without-talking-to-you thing, he was a good guy.
5. "Sniper mosquito hunt." Hee.
6. I don't know... the flag is better than most of Daniel's clothes.... ;)
2. Jaffa! He's ready to die in a good cause, but, when an alternative is offered, he's not sorry not to die.
Also, he survived the whole series, which is more than we can say for many characters.
3. I would love a good answer to this one.
4. I liked Pete. I liked his sense of humor, most of his surprises, and his obvious love for Sam.
Buying a house is not an appropriate surprise. I am convinced he really loved Sam. Sadly, he revealed himself to be not the right person for her. I think Sam had fun with him, but she wasn't ready to settle down.
5. Daniel complained and Teal'c made faces, but they were all really glad to be there with each other.
6. HAHAHAHA! I'm not slashing those two. Bra'tac was just freaking glad to see Daniel alive! (And amused by the flag, because he wouldn't be?)
2. Also, he survived the whole series... Although, there was that one time on a modified al'kesh, when Jack had Ancient healing powers...
3. Me too! I was watching closely and got confused.
4. I don't think Sam takes to surprises well. Especially surprise-life-changing-decisions. That's like blowing up a sun...
5. :) Awwww....
6. Oh, god, I couldn't slash them either. But Bra'tac's reaction was bizarre...
on 4: I can enjoy good Sam/Jack fan stories, and also very much enjoy good gen and team. It wasn't wrong to try to give Sam a boyfriend, and some of that storyline was good, but other parts were really awkward and weird, and even the good actors were unable to redeem the writing. Like most tv shows, so much to love, but so many good stories that could have been better if the writers had just consulted the fans!
1. Agreed. Although, I could totally see Jacob acting that way. So, while I would have liked more Jacob, I didn't think it totally massacred his character either.
3. Flags are where it's at.
4. I think AT's intentions were good... but at times Pete acted like a 12-year-old fanboy. And, you know, she can't tell you! And I agree with what you're saying about her apologizing, so true! And I agree about Jack and Kerry, although we never really got to see enough of them to see if there really was a spark. (Also, I was kinda irked with the notion that Sam couldn't possibly be gettin' some if Jack wasn't too.)
5. Can you believe, I forget this was how it ended? And then I was all like - fishing! Classic!Team! Love!
6. Oh, Bra'tac was pleased alright...
I had been so interested in seeing the longer version of Threads, but then when I got the dvd set, and was able to, I was disappointed. Overall, as a fan who sometimes loves the Sam/Jack side of the show (and sometimes the gen and team), I loved some bits of this, but also found some of it painful (Jack on his deck--he can be such a jerk) and found virtually the entire Daniel segment to be not very interesting at all. So Threads was pretty much a major disappointment to me other than a few key parts of it.
and 5.
refraining from really tl:no one would read commenting on the rest! =)
2. :)
3. Premonitions of what happens to Daniel's character in S9-S10?
4. I never thought/wanted it to work either... but I thought he was good for her. And if the character hadn't been quite so over-the-top (goofy, surprises) it might have worked.
5. Somebody should write about that... oh wait...
6. ... so Bra'tac was just glad to see Daniel wasn't dead ... again!
GOSH, YOU THINK? *enormous eyeroll* Good Lord, that whole debate was stupid.
(I'm actually hoping to use the next two seasons of redials and motivation to make my way through it. It's not the same without Jack!)
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