Rewatch transcript: Lost City part 1

Sep 20, 2010 21:35

pepper_field : And...
pepper_field : GO!
magnavox_23 : it's on the scene selection screen :p
aurora_novarum : awww
pepper_field : Rawr
aurora_novarum : cryptic crossword!
pepper_field : I wish they'd show us the crossword properly, so I could try to fill it in.
aurora_novarum : if you zoom in...
pepper_field : Eh, I tried. Didn't work (and half the clues were offscreen.) Jack's phone manner.
magnavox_23 : who has their mobile phone in the bathroom with them?
pepper_field : *shakes head*
caladria : I do, sometimes
supplyship : Daniel is just so darn excited about exploring! Even early in the morning!
pepper_field : Are you supposed to immerse mobile phones in water?
aurora_novarum : people on field units for top secret interplanetary teams?
supplyship : Good thing it's a waterproof phone
aurora_novarum : He washed daniel!
magnavox_23 : hee
supplyship : LOL
aurora_novarum : I love how the voice reverberates underwater.
caladria : all of my knwledge of physics. you just heard it
supplyship : that scene is just fantastic
aurora_novarum : oh yes. Weir the First!
aurora_novarum : I forgot about her!
caladria : oh, THAT's who she is!
supplyship : the POTUS! Trufax!
pepper_field : Kinsey! *sinister music*
seldear : jessica steen :-
magnavox_23 : "mr. vice president" *shivers*
aurora_novarum : because the secret service dude would just keep the door open with the vp in the car. Puhlease.
supplyship : heh
aurora_novarum : of course, maybe he knows kinsey...
caladria : well, if the vice president was kinsey, wouldn't you?
seldear : like sarah palin... (hopes there aren't any bigtime palin fans in the room)
aurora_novarum : it's been a while since I listened to the credits. Awwww.
pepper_field : (I doubt it.)
supplyship : hahahaha. No.
seldear : (well, you never know!)
magnavox_23 : lol
magnavox_23 : you're australian, you can say whatever you want, they can't get you :P
pepper_field : Heh. "It wasn't necessary for you to pick me up, sir." Yes, like Kinsey would drop by out of KINDNESS.
caladria : she doesn't know him. and he LOOKS human
magnavox_23 : she doesn't know he's a douche yet
aurora_novarum : well the vp usuaally only does tiebreakers and funerals, so...
supplyship : Dear Liz: No joke! Your BFF, The Prez
pepper_field : Heh. The President's note, pretty much what you put, Supplyship.
caladria : *snerk*
aurora_novarum : heh.
supplyship : Hai Martin Wood!
aurora_novarum : Oh yeah, General Jumper is in this! Cool.
pepper_field : Smug!Jack is smug
aurora_novarum : The team's all waiting. Heee
magnavox_23 : how long where they posed outside the elevator waiting for him? :P
pepper_field : Yeah, I wondered that.
aurora_novarum : They probably timed it.
pepper_field : Perhaps they got the guards to call down.
supplyship : I LOVE how giggly Harper and Reynolds are here
pepper_field : Heh. Jack's all, "Mission...?"
aurora_novarum : jack's behind on his memos. He didn't know this was mission day. He was delaying paperwork.
caladria : if he knew it was a fun day, he'd've showed on time
supplyship : Jack does not have the same sort of urgency that Daniel has
aurora_novarum : sort of?
aurora_novarum : Reynolds is awesome!
supplyship : AMEN
pepper_field : Daniel: "KNOWLEDGE!"
magnavox_23 : Daniel's flailing on the inside ;-
aurora_novarum : Damn Thor never answers his cell on time.
aurora_novarum : He's practically bouncing in his chair.
pepper_field : *wants to poke Jack's little frown line*
aurora_novarum : I love how they're all playing along with brining jack up to speed. even hammond.
supplyship : Seriously, the fake tree and plants in the White House?
aurora_novarum : Trivia fact. This was the Oval Office from X-Men.
magnavox_23 : cut backs :P
aurora_novarum : they bought the set cheap secondhand
supplyship : Only odd numbered teams can go!
pepper_field : And couldn't they have the Stargate files in... less dilapidated boxes?
aurora_novarum : it's the government pepper
aurora_novarum : they have to do something to pay for the big spinning wheel.
caladria : "SG-3! Sit! Stay!"
magnavox_23 : and left in a room unattended?
magnavox_23 : mmm collective asses... :P
supplyship : LOL
aurora_novarum : well what timing.
pepper_field : Does the head sucky thing not react to Sam and DAniel, then?
magnavox_23 : Jack has the gene?
supplyship : no, only Jack! Because of the gene
aurora_novarum : I think Daniel touches something first or sam does.
caladria : you need the ancient gene?
aurora_novarum : no, I don't think so.
supplyship : it's Ancient
magnavox_23 : well it appears when Sam got close
aurora_novarum : Yeah, Daniel touches some buttons and it pops up!
pepper_field : It's a horrible looking prop, I just have to say.
supplyship : I can't tell if Daniel is pushing some buttons, or just reading with his finger
aurora_novarum : he seemed to press them to me.
pepper_field : Yeah, I thought he pressed something just then, actually.
supplyship : Oh Reynolds, how I love you
pepper_field : Because Daniel was saying he should download the data, but if it wasn't going to react to him...
aurora_novarum : Anyone can get head sucked. I think Jack is just able to handle it longer than most people because he's part Ancienty.
supplyship : C-4!
pepper_field : Hee, Supplyship - I'm now keeping an eye on Jack's hat.
aurora_novarum : C-4 is always the backpu plan.
caladria : C-4 is the answer to everything
supplyship : Ancienty, lol
aurora_novarum : I love how Daniel says Jack and Sam says he's right and tagteams.
aurora_novarum : awwwww jack and daniel! Daniel and Sam! Jack goes ouchie! Teal'c angst! rainbow colors!
pepper_field : They had fun with the explosions on this one.
aurora_novarum : (I'm trying to give sel some mental pictures to play along
supplyship : and big ass weapons!
magnavox_23 : jaffa pilots are really bad shots
pepper_field : SERIOUSLY.
supplyship : I think they must be under orders to harass, and not blow up the database
magnavox_23 : "I... did it again"
supplyship : Jack is gonna be mad when he realizes that Daniel lost his hat
aurora_novarum : things go boom!
caladria : saying "I did it again" could mean anything. Jack does so many things
pepper_field : *g*
magnavox_23 : hee
aurora_novarum : who got hurt?
aurora_novarum : one of sg-3?
supplyship : Looks like one of sg3
pepper_field : Heh, Weir caught playing with the President's desk toys.
seldear : hee
supplyship : 5 whole minutes, what a guy
seldear : ace rimmer? ;-
pepper_field : Heh
aurora_novarum : just five languages? Weir, you slacker! ;-
caladria : daniel speaks that many before breakfast
pepper_field : Jack gives his team such an odd, fond look just there.
supplyship : I kind of hate how Sam and Daniel make it sound like it was all Jack's fault that he took the database
magnavox_23 : Jack is snarky about imminent death :P
supplyship : very!
magnavox_23 : well Daniel starts to say jack and then changed it to 'we'
aurora_novarum : They're mad he wouldn't let one of them bite that bullet.
pepper_field : Well, if he wasn't snarky, they'd send him straight to the infirmary, because CLEARLY there's something wrong.
caladria : *g* true!
magnavox_23 : good point
aurora_novarum : simpsons!
pepper_field : Oh, Weir is a quick study, too.
supplyship : Negotiating with the aliens, lol
caladria : snarking at Kinsey already. good choice!
aurora_novarum : that's the fan winner in the background.
aurora_novarum : bonnie
magnavox_23 : 'sorta'
supplyship : "Bonnie" is some fan that won a contest, right?
pepper_field : It's like Kinsey is actively trying to get her NOT on his side.
magnavox_23 : Jack is deliberately ambigious
supplyship : Man, Kinsey is such a dick, all the time
aurora_novarum : kinsey's high on power. he's not as careful as he was.
supplyship : Jack's house, yay!
aurora_novarum : he used to hide it a bit better
seldear : couch scene?
pepper_field : Jack, waking up and having beer... yes, okay, you might die soon, but still. Yuck?
supplyship : yep
magnavox_23 : yeah
seldear : :-D
pepper_field : "Funny."
pepper_field : *g*
supplyship : Guinness, breakfast of champs!
pepper_field : Blergh
caladria : Jack keeps house like I do. "Want a glass? I can wash one"
supplyship : LOL
supplyship : I love that he flicks the caps wherever
pepper_field : He must have been SO annoying to live with.
magnavox_23 : I learnt how to flick bottlecaps watching this :P
magnavox_23 : it annoys the heck out of people :P
aurora_novarum : He was flicking that at Martin
supplyship : Oh Sam, you're so awkward!
aurora_novarum : That's where Wood was crouched offscreen.
pepper_field : Heh
supplyship : JUST KISS ALREADY. *ahem*
magnavox_23 : Daniel's jeep is gorgeous
pepper_field : *cough*
caladria : HI DANIEL
aurora_novarum : I know I'm a minority opinion, but I do love Sam's s7 hair. Even the HAIR is awesome in Season 7.
pepper_field : Daniel and Teal'c have a better idea of what constitutes breakfast.
supplyship : "that would be worth it" Oh Jack and your hero complex. *sigh*
magnavox_23 : it looks a little dried out to me, but it's styled nicely here
caladria : really? it's that awkward stage of growing out
caladria : where it's not short and it's not long
supplyship : She's very pretty in this scene - though I like S8 hair best
aurora_novarum : I swear Daniel Teal'c and Sam planned this all out.
pepper_field : I like how her jacket sets off her eyes. I must admit, I don't like the hair, though
aurora_novarum : "It's funny, really..."
magnavox_23 : I like the length here though, it's just sitting under the ears
pepper_field : Ahah, drunk!Daniel.
aurora_novarum : I'm still at the oil slick!
aurora_novarum : dang slow region 1 dvds!
aurora_novarum : When I first saw this, I could NOT figure out what this was referencing at first. D'oh!
supplyship : Burns as goa'uld is perfect! Why do they NOT get it?
pepper_field : It's SO perfect!
supplyship : Silly team
supplyship : Hammond! Party time!
aurora_novarum : you're not my usual pizza boy...
magnavox_23 : 'shrubs' hee
pepper_field : And also, pizza? What time is it, again?
aurora_novarum : here's to good friends. tonight is kinda special...
supplyship : I'm guessing that the team has been there awhile now
pepper_field : Oh, I guess, counting the number of beers on the table...
supplyship : Daniel's already been through one beer at least
aurora_novarum : teal'c's on his third juice already. ;-
pepper_field : *g*
pepper_field : Guinness, "a refreshing substitute for food."
aurora_novarum : daniel's sobered up pretty damn quick.
pepper_field : I'm trying to take Hammond seriously, but his shirt is... so hideous.
supplyship : LOL, it really is
pepper_field : It doesn't do him any favours.
aurora_novarum : casual george...he's not used to picking clothes that aren't a uniform
aurora_novarum : Maybe Teal'c bought it for him!
aurora_novarum : oooh, that's a fic idea!
pepper_field : Jack: "Um, kinda dying here?"
pepper_field : Well, that's put a damper on the party.
supplyship : Seriously. George, you're such a downer!
supplyship : Daniel, you're so subtle
magnavox_23 : and canonically wrong :P
pepper_field : They have such good cellphone coverage underground.
aurora_novarum : I remember that's when bluetooths were so new and cutting edge.
supplyship : Sam and Siler hooked the mountain up!
pepper_field : Apparently so
magnavox_23 : Daniel didn;t see the gate until after he figured out how to open it
aurora_novarum : I thought the bluetooth was like a cordless version of the red phone.
supplyship : good point, mags
aurora_novarum : oh that! Yeah.
magnavox_23 : unless you consider the movie AU, then anything's possible :P
pepper_field : Daniel, on the side of keeping it quiet, nowadays.
supplyship : Liz: shut up everyone, I get it!
magnavox_23 : hehe
supplyship : yay, Bra'tac!
supplyship : I love that he's so concerned about Hammond of Texas. Aw. BFFs
aurora_novarum : Has Hammond of Texas fallen in battle?
pepper_field : Aw Bra'tac.
caladria : Those two, and Jacob
aurora_novarum : Bra'tac looks like Weir's something he found on his boot.
caladria : Like an aging, male, Charlie's Angels
supplyship : LOL
magnavox_23 : lmao
pepper_field : Haha!
magnavox_23 : Florida *snerk*
supplyship : heh. I love the thinly veiled joke about Florida
aurora_novarum : yeah, but that was BEFORE the 2000 election.
aurora_novarum : it's more...prophetic.
supplyship : But Jed Bush was still the gov of Florida then
caladria : was it?
caladria : I thought this was post-2000
aurora_novarum : wasn't it? oh no, you're right.
magnavox_23 : the show? this was 2003
aurora_novarum : D'oh.
supplyship : this was post 2000
caladria : time, is all relative. says Jack
magnavox_23 : *master* bra'tak hee
pepper_field : Jack sitting in Hammond's usual chair, I note.
supplyship : ooh, good point!
magnavox_23 : "we sit around on our fat asses" hehe
pepper_field : Okay, okay, boys, time out!
supplyship : Oh Jack, ILU
magnavox_23 : did not, did too hehe
supplyship : derentis!
pepper_field : Hee, I love the tiny bit with Kinsey suggesting it's Latin, and Weir absently correcting him.
supplyship : See, Sam's hair here is totally different. She got it cut
supplyship : and it looks much better
caladria : it does. less fuzzy
supplyship : She must have had a hair appt. over the weekend
magnavox_23 : hydro mask :P
caladria : I wonder if she turned up drunk?
supplyship : Heh
pepper_field : I do like this Weird
pepper_field : *Weir
pepper_field : Dammit
supplyship : HAHAHA
magnavox_23 : defcon 3 in the background
aurora_novarum : everyone likes weir now.
pepper_field : Hammond's office sure is pokey.
pepper_field : It needs a coat of paint
supplyship : It really does
supplyship : cement gray is not so energizing
pepper_field : Yay Weir!
aurora_novarum : Oh, I've figured out quite a bit.
aurora_novarum : That's GEORGE'S CHAIR DAMMIT!
magnavox_23 : are we watching these directly one after another?
aurora_novarum : This flows automatically on region 1 dvds.
supplyship : Aw, hug it out boys
pepper_field : No, we're going to pause at... where is the pause point again?
magnavox_23 : same here
aurora_novarum : just as teal'c says goodbye.
magnavox_23 : this is the end of part 1 now
pepper_field : Oh!
pepper_field : Okay, so, yes. In a sec. *g*
magnavox_23 : *pauses*
aurora_novarum : AWWWW! JACK/TEAL'C OTP!!!!
supplyship : jack looks so pensive
pepper_field : *pauses*
supplyship : OK, I am paused on Jack doing his crossword again
aurora_novarum : okay. Crossword puzzle. PAUSE!
magnavox_23 : yup
pepper_field : Me too. :-D
aurora_novarum : OH!!! I just put together the symmetry of that!

Go here for part 2 of the rewatch transcript. Alternatively, you might want:

Lost City part 1 recap by supplyship
Lost City part 1 fanworks

0721 lost city pt 1, season seven, redial international chat

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