0705 Revisions recap

May 24, 2010 16:36

Transcript for Revisions can be found over here.

We follow Daniel down the stairs and he leans in behind Carter as she’s monitoring the feed coming back from a MALP. It seems they’ve found a garden paradise inside a dome on an otherwise desolate planet. (And hi there, Mr. DeLuise.)

Roll opening credits.

Our team is off world and wearing suits to protect themselves from radiation and the toxic atmosphere. They find the edge of the dome and Colonel O’Neill sticks his gun through and shakes it all about. (He’s a big fan of the hokey pokey?)

On the other side of the barrier they find the MALP, some weird red stone thing (we must be on an alien planet, only aliens they have weird stone things!) and plenty of lush plant life. Carter reports that she’s reading normal atmosphere. Carter and Daniel put their right hand in, put your right hand out… er, sorry. They determine that there’s resistance and a static charge to warn a person when they are reaching the edge of the dome.

Carter’s excited about studying the dome but O’Neill is more concerned about rustling noises in the bushes.

Ah, shucks, it’s nothing but a cute little boy. He appears normal, except for something stuck to his temple.

The boy is called “Nevin” and a battle of wits commences between Nevin and Jack. Jack loses.

Next we see Nevin wearing Jack’s suit and leading SG-1 into town. People are hustling and bustling and everything seems normal. Well, except that everyone is wearing Bluetooth devices on their temples. SG-1 is taken to the four-member town council while the townspeople watch from outside the windows.

We learn:

a. Visitors don’t come by very often
b. The townspeople have never heard of the “Stargate”
c. One of those Bluetooth things would be handy during a final exam

Teal’c and O’Neill check in with Hammond by sticking the MALP halfway through the dome’s barrier. O’Neill reports the natives are friendly “if a bit odd.” But really, when do they ever meet aliens that aren’t a bit odd?

Night falls and our team splits up. Teal’c and O’Neill dine at Nevin’s house. There is a guessing game about the number of planets Jack has been to and Nevin wins. Jack wishes he had a tent.

Meanwhile, Sam and Daniel stay at the home of Todd Halling Pallan and his wife, Evalla. They chat about the benefits of the link, the history and technology of the people on this world, and then the opportunity presents itself for Daniel to put on the link. Sam thinks it’s not a great idea, differences in physiology and all that.

In the dead of night a woman wakes up, pack her things, and walks outside. She exits the dome without wearing any kind of suit to protect her.

The next morning Jack opens his eyes and does his Seinfeld impression. “Hello, Newman Nevin.”

Nevin reciprocates by doing his best Colonel O’Neill impression.

Teal’c is amused.

Pallan gives Carter the grand tour of the control room while Evalla impresses Daniel with old books. Pallan and Evalla freeze for a moment, SG-1 does not. Carter tries to convince Pallan of what she observed but he doesn’t believe her.

SG-1 holds a team pow-wow to review what they’ve learned so far. Then they approach the town council with the option of leaving this world for a new one.

Uh oh. The town council has no memory of having had a fourth member the day before. Cue creepy music.

Another team pow-wow reveals that Daniel thinks erasing people is a bit harsh, Jack is nervous, Sam wants to stay longer, and Teal’c thinks the people of this world are not a threat.

Uh oh #2. Carter’s computer is showing different information compared with the numbers Pallan has via the link. Before she can inform O’Neill of her concerns, Nevin’s dad approaches O’Neill and Teal’c. He’d like to take SG-1 up on their offer to leave this world for a new place that will offer more for Nevin.

Uh oh #3. The MALP is gone.

Uh oh #4. Daniel observes Evalla disappearing, it seems that she went through the barrier to the other side.  (Side note: does anyone else find it a bit strange watching this episode now and hearing Daniel say Evalla’s name? Doesn’t it sound like he’s calling her Vala??)

Secret team pow-wow number… I’m losing count at this point. Anyway. There’s talk of the link brainwashing the townspeople. Carter thinks she can do some fancy reprogramming of the link. Daniel thinks hard copies of records that don’t match the records on the link will be evidence of what’s going on.

Nevin shows Jack and Teal’c his house but it’s not the same one as last night. Nevin’s dad has also changed his mind about leaving this world behind and traveling to Earth. Nevin no longer wants to be an explorer like he did yesterday, now he’s decided to be a gardener. All of this seems to be evidence that the link messing with their heads. (Or that kids change their mind constantly about what they want to be when they grow up.)

Carter meets up with Pallan in the control room. She insists that the link is lying to him and that the dome is failing. Pallan doesn’t even remember being engaged to Helen Magnus married to Evalla. He won’t disconnect his link for fear that it will kill him. Carter is now convinced that none of the townspeople are responsible for the relentless uploads that change everyone’s memories. She thinks it’s the computer acting alone.

Daniel rushes in with legal documents that show originally there were over 100,000 people living inside the dome. As the dome failed it couldn’t sustain that many people so it’s been shrinking and diminishing the population as needed. The MALP isn’t gone; it’s outside the dome, along with the bones of those who have been sacrificed.

Carter and Daniel convince Pallan to help them reprogram the link but before they can, another update occurs and the townspeople corner Jack and Teal’c. Just as things are about to get ugly for the guys, Carter is able to reprogram the link and give the townspeople no memory of SG-1 having arrived on the planet.

SG-1 begin helping the townspeople move to a new planet. Pallan requests that Carter tell him about his wife, Evalla, so that he might be able to mourn her.

Roll credits.


1. Do you believe as Carter does that nobody was responsible and that the computer did this all on it’s own? Or rather when the dome began to fail almost 200 years ago, did you think someone set these events in motion?

2. In your opinion is Nevin annoying or cute? What do you think Jack’s opinion of him is?

3. Does Daniel get a little too personal in asking Evalla if she wants to have children?

4. Of all the characters that Christopher Heyerdahl has played on Stargate, which one do you like the most and why?

5. How much would you trust a stranger telling you that your memories are wrong? What kind of proof would you need in order to be convinced?

0705 revisions, recap, season seven

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