Icontest: Season Six!

Oct 19, 2009 07:10

redial_the_gate has featured five gorgeous icons so far, created by pepper_field, supplyship, annerbhp, thraesja, and an encore by pepper_field:


With maevebran's recap of Revelations last week, we have finished with Season Five and redial_the_gate is heading into its regular between-season hiatus. You all know what that means: time for a new icon challenge for Season Six!

We welcome submissions through October 28th. On October 29th, we'll vote to choose a brand new default icon. Past experience shows that the wonderful enthusiasm of the comm members means we'll probably have two rounds of voting, but in any case, we'll finalize our Season Six icon in time to start the new season with the Redemption, part 1 recap on November 3rd.

Icons should meet LJ's standard requirements: 100 X 100 pixels, and not larger than 40k. We ask that your icon include the words redial_the_gate in clear type. Animated icons are welcome, but the comm's name must be visible throughout. Icons do not have to be taken from S6 episodes, although that certainly adds an extra touch! You may submit up to four icons to this entry. Please indicate, with your submission, whether or not they are shareable with credit.

Comments are screened so that voting can be blind. Once we've got a winner, we'll come back here and unscreen the comments, so that everyone can see who created which beautiful icon! Please do not post your icon or its base elsewhere until after voting is over. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. :)

season six, icons

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