10.13 - The Road Not Taken

Dec 04, 2011 11:43

10.13 - The Road Not Taken

Or you can’t take Sam anywhere…..

Transcript here

The Road Not Taken

We open to Sam playing with toys and Cam walking into her lab only to be zapped by her force field. They discuss the disappearance of Daniel and Cam mentions how Teal’c and he are going to go over new reports. Sam says she is going to do one more test and Cam says he is going to time her before dragging her away. Shields are up, something makes a funny noise, Sam makes a face that is a cross between “uh oh” and “crap”. Suddenly, she and her little toys are swept up in technical hurricane and disappear. Cam calls her to say time is up. Duh.

We come to Sam waking up in a room covered in blast marks. Dr Lee walks in, calls her Major and she is rightfully curious. Then Lorne walks in. She questions him about why he isn’t in the Pegasus Galaxy to which he replies, “I’m the Awesome One here and thus leader of SG1” (don’t quote that). She is rightfully confused.

Lorne runs to the Awesomest One Ever, General Hammond. Hammond is filled in and orders Lorne to find their Sam. Lorne then goes to interrogate Sam. She slowly finds out how different this world is: no Daniel, no Cam, no Teal’c, no Vala. After pleading, she is shown the footage of what was happening in the room. Basically, things went boom. They discuss how TheirSam was trying to pull energy from other universes. Dr Lee and her do science as Lorne looks confused but in the end, his Sam probably is not coming back.

Gen Hammond strolls down the hall to see the President because all of awesome (in theory) is now at the Mountain. Hammond brings Sam up to speed about the universe she is in is in some serious problems due to the aftermath of an Ori attack. It turns out they’ve also never been to Atlantis so no extra ZPMs. She also finds out how the Anubis attack affected after the Stargate Program was revealed and no one really likes secrets. Lorne and Hammond ask her to complete their Carter’s research. She says, “Thanks, but I need to get home to my relatively warm and fluffy world because you all might be nuts.”

Hammond then drops the bomb that the Ori are about to make everyone go boom.

Sam then calls everyone into the room to show her plan B. Sam shows how she is awesome via the Merlin device. They bow to the inevitable to let Sam be Sam as all Sams are awesome. Lorne swings by to see how things are going. She asks about some pictures she found in which NotOurSam was wearing a wedding ring. Alas, she was not married to Lorne (come on, dude is hot!) but to some jackhat named Rodney McKay. And we all laugh and/or cheer.

Later on, Sam brings up Hammond up to speed about how there is not enough power to help out the Merlin device. She is then introduced to their President, Landry. And she is confused. Then finds out that they can tap into the power grid of the entire US. President Landry then tells her she is off to Area 51 and then he gives a speech about how they all need to give up their power to help fuel a big ol weapon. As he talks, Sam ignores him and continues to work on the machine. Lorne finds out that five Ori ships have entered into the Zone of Doom. Dr Lee and Sam work on the machine hoping to expand the force field. We get a cool shot of the globe going dark as the ships pull into shooting range.

There is not enough power but they fire it up anyways and the planet shimmers. The ships fire but they hit nothing as it has worked! Because Sam is AWESOME. The President thanks her and Sam says she is working on a way to go home. Then she is ambushed by a press conference as she is a hero.

Later, Sam is in a hot dress as she goes to shindig. Lee calls her and says his numbers about sending her home just aren’t working. The Governor of Idaho thanks her and then checks out her boobs. (Seriously). She and Landry discuss how she feels out of place and he says he is promoting her. Then the protestors show up and are tazed. (And seemingly answers the question of where all the zatguns went.) Landry and Sam are brought up to the Prometheus aka Air Force One. She questions what happened regarding the protests and he says that not everyone is happy with the adjustments they’ve had to make.

Hammond finds Sam watching footage of the attacks of a village in Ireland bombed by the US Air Force. She also finds out how much SGC pulled back from treaties with the Jaffa and others. They get into an argument about how things were handled.

Later, we find Sam in a cool house to see McKay. She says, “I am not who you think I am.” He replies, “You’re a lesbian”. But she comes back with “no I’m from another world.” And fills him in how she got here and what happened to his Sam (and he looks sad).

Dr Lee, the President, and others go over their version of the Merlin device. Turns out, no one really knows how to work it yet and Lee says the only person who knows how to work it is Carter. Landry tells Hammond that Carter is not going back to her universe as they need her brain.

McKay is baffled by the story and Sam says that in her world, he and his sister built a bridge between two worlds. He complains that he hasn’t done any theoretical physics lately but just buys and sells companies. Sam lays it on thick about how awesome the other Rodney is but he agrees to help anyways.

Sam returns to find out that promises made to her were broken. She also finds out that elections for Congress have been suspended and bam! Landry is a despot. Sam refuses to help him destroy democracy and no one wants to look in her eyes. Hammond goes to defend Sam to Landry. They discuss how it probably wasn’t easy for Landry to go down the road they did and Hammond says it will be harder to go back.

Sam walks down the hall and creepy Presidential Bodyman stops her and threatens Rodney and she. Silly bunny, no one threatens Sam. Or really Rodney.

We next find Sam in a sketchy neighborhood where she finds BrokenCam. He fills her in on his story and how he was the hero for the moment at one time. And how he was used as a political tool until he called them on it and they dropped him and his medical coverage. She is stunned and possibly a bit angry. He says that this is the price of sticking up for your principles. She walks outside to call Creepy Bodyman and says she will play ball. He calls it a wise decision. Silly bunny.

During an interview, Sam talks about her role in the presidential cabinet and how she will push for better foreign relations and the restoring of civil rights. Creepy Bodyman orders everything shut down and Sam continues to be awesome. The news anchor tells Sam that they cut her off.

Back at Rodney’s, she is looking for coverage of her performance and how finds out that the internet and news is controlled by the government. As she walks out, Creepy Bodyman attacks her, she fights off two guys until they zap her. They take her to the President who says that she is just as bad in her world because no one knows about the Stargate Program. He says that her world will abandon the entire galaxy and she replies that the commander of SGC won’t feel that way and his name is General Hank Landry.

She walks down to “her” lab to find Rodney there who has been ordered to take her place and build a bridge to get her the heck out there. She tells him to continue to fight the good fight after she leaves.

We then return to our world to see Dr Lee wandering around and Sam returns! Later, she is talking with Cam, Vala, and Teal’c about there was no word of Daniel while she was gone. Cam is just happy they got her back and she is happy to be there a well. Because that world was creepy and Vala was in jail. She asks what they were doing the whole time. Teal’c says they knew something had gone wrong and assumed she was just out of phase. Sam gets the biggest grin on her face as she realizes that they all talked to an empty room to keep her company. Vala hugs her and says they did miss her. And we all grin.


1. Did our Rodney ever find out about the Sam/Rodney relationship in the other world?
2. Where does Lorne go after the first 20 minutes of Sam being there?
3. What do you think happens in that world after Sam left?
4. What did they all talk about in the empty room and how long did it go on?

1013 the road not taken, recap, season 10

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