round #03 - themes

Jul 09, 2016 20:23

» You must be a member of redheads20in20 to participate.
» Signups are open throughout the entire round.
» All of your icons must be new, made only by YOU and specifically made for the ongoing round.
» All icons must fit LJ standards: be under 40kb, in .jpg or .png format and 100x100. Animation is not allowed (unless stated otherwise).
» Your posts with icons must remain public until winners are posted.
» When posting your completed icons, include three teaser icons and a link to your post.
» Add a subject to your post: round #03 - your username
» All entries are moderated. Mod will tag the posts.
» Completed 20 icons are due on July 29, at 5pm EEST (countdown)

This is a special round, so you can icon any redhead celebrity you want!


border, extreme negative space, microphone, profile, quote
shadow, unnatural colours, vintage, wave, wink


mono rainbow

starkwars / partitioning / lady_turner / afeastforme / novindalf

make five icons with five different dominating colours


5 icons of your choice

You may use this table:

border extreme negative space microphone profile quote
shadow unnatural colours vintage wave wink
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

If there's any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments!

!themes, round 03

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