Agh. Now you're making me want to fire up my account again. If only there was a way to stationary bike and play at the same time--I'd be skinnier than Nicole Ritchie.
Please, don’t ever be skinner than Nicole Ritchie. Her bones would snap in a weak breeze. I’m not saying she’s anorexic or anything (or at least I won’t without substantial proof), but I could never get the whole skinny = pretty thing. It’s just, ugh.
I have a standing invitation from my coworkers to join their (Alliance) guild on Archimonde. And really, they’re the ones to blame for all this. They installed WoW on the break room computer, then Fry’s Electronics (don’t know if you have them there) started selling copies for $17.99. So yeah, I’m pretty much doomed.
Eventually I will tire of the Alliance, I’m sure. Maybe I’ll see you on Mannoroth eventually.
Comments 5
Already Done For
Eventually I will tire of the Alliance, I’m sure. Maybe I’ll see you on Mannoroth eventually.
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