29 Days of Star Trek Meme - Day 10 - What's your favorite species? (Humans are a species as well.)

Jun 02, 2015 21:31

Vulcans, Vulcans all the way.

It's a mixture of two things:

1 - You run into Earth trade vessels, or Klingon traders, and so on and so forth, but you never meet a non-science Vulcan ship. An entire planet whose thing seems to be science (and occasionally art and culture). These are so obviously my people.

2 - Emotions, or the downplaying of them. Partly because when I was wee and small and originally introduced to Vulcans I was still at the 'emotions difficult' stage, and their idea of 'minimise emotions' made so much more sense. Getting older I might have found slightly more useful ways of dealing with my anger than punching people, but I still think Surak has a point. That and, always beware people using pathos instead of logos in arguments, there you can find charlatans.

I swear it's part of the reason that I didn't like Enterprise. A lot of their non-T'Pol Vulcans were more illogical than Klingons.

People who point out that I look more like the shorter of the Duras sisters will be run through with a bat'leth.

Day 1 - Which Star Trek series is your favorite?
Day 2 - Who is your favorite character?
Day 3 - Who is your least favorite character?
Day 4 - What was the first episode/movie you watched?
Day 5 - What was the first Star Trek series you watched?
Day 6 - Your favorite canon pairing?
Day 7 - Your favorite non-canon pairing?
Day 8 - Your favorite actor/actress? (Not the same as character.)
Day 9 - What's your favorite episode?

Day 11 - What's your least favorite species? (See question 9 about species.)
Day 12 - What's your favorite funny moment?
Day 13 - What's your favorite dramatic moment?
Day 14 - What's your favorite Star Trek quote?
Day 15 - How did you get into Star Trek?
Day 16 - Are you involved with Star Trek fandom?
Day 17 - Have you read any of the books? If so, which ones?
Day 18 - If you could be any species in the Star Trek universe, what would you be?
Day 19 - How did the Star Trek reboot affect you?
Day 20 - Of the minor characters (one shots, not the recurring ones) who’s your favorite?
Day 21 - Which Star Trek food would you want to try at least once?
Day 22 - Which Star Trek world would you want to visit at least once?
Day 23 - Is there anything you'd want to change about Star Trek? Why?
Day 24 - Is there anything about Star Trek that has disappointed you?
Day 25 - How has Star Trek changed you?
Day 26 - Lots of Star Trek Parodies out there. Which do you dig?
Day 27 - What would you cross over with Star Trek?
Day 28 - Your favourite friendship in Star Trek?
Day 29 - If you could tell Gene Roddenberry one thing, Star Trek related or not, what would it be?

star trek, meme

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