Title: The Diabolical Dragon Plot
slartibartfastFandom/Genre: Supernatural
Pairing (s): Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~13,000
Warnings: Utter crack: contains dragons, fairies, and the Impala as a horse.
Summary: In a world where humans and magical creatures do not mix, Sam and Dean Winchester were brought up by their legendary dragon-
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Comments 6
"You," the fairy intoned, "are not a princess."
"Then you've never met a princess," Dean snapped.,"
The fairy stepped closer and sheathed his sword. "I am a prince in a large family. I've met many."
God! I laughed so much with those lines!!! What a 'wonderful' beginning hum? :P
I also loved the way you wrote about what people used to think about fairies, and Dean's thoughts about it. I mean, people always fear the unknown, it made me remember the way we talk about... aliens for example :D
Woa! Tomorrow I'll read more of your story :) (It's already 03:10 am)
*skips off to the next chappie~*
lol. Just the thought of Cas having a diabolical laughter cracks me up. :) I'm loving this story! Off to read the rest!
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