Title: It's My Party
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own it, I just write it, which makes me no money.
Spoilers: Legion.
Notes: This is the first Red Dwarf story I ever wrote, although I never finished it. Well, I have now, obviously, but it needed a lot of tweaking. So thanks muchly to the lovely
roadstergal for the beta. That said,
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Comments 23
You just dispelled all of roadstergal's angst clouds. You rock. X3
Yeah, I find it useful to keep some of these "dispell angst" spells around. Best hang on to 'em. ;)
Hehehe... *has image of roadstergal surrounded by dark clouds with lightning-bolts shooting out of them*
And the beginning! You have the best openings. Just. Consistently. And I love how Rimmer's intended horrifying declaration was met with utter boredom when he was expecting something more... dramatic.
I loved how Kryten started to fret about party preparations and I adored how the Cat makes sure to let Lister know he really hates Rimmer and was only decorating to show off his scissor skills.
Thank you very much for the lovely feedback!
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