WA: (FIC) Take What I Give Kubota/Tokito

Jun 01, 2008 22:19

Title: Take What I Give
Pairing: Kubota/Tokito
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 479
Disclaimer: Minekura owns Wild Adapter and the title and cut are from Flutter Girl by Chris Cornell
For: fic_on_demand's June-Fic-A-Day. For wizefics's In Vino Veritas request.
Notes: I'm iffy on this one. I'm still feeling my way back into writing after too long of not-writing.

Tokito glanced over at Kubota, who was smoking outside, watching the day settle into dusk. There was something about Kubota's posture that told him that there was something on Kubota's mind. He wanted to ask, but he doubted he'd find anything beyond the typical smile and redirect.

He looked back to the television, and flipped idly through the channels. He stopped on one of the shows he'd watched at Taki-san's house when he was trying so hard to not think about Kubota that he was willing to watch anything, even that crap. The girl got wasted and ended up telling the guy about every guy she fucked in the past four weeks, and got her ass dumped. Tokito wondered why people watched that crap, but it made him wonder if...

It wasn't exactly difficult for Tokito to get Kubota drunk. Kou was willing to give him what he wanted in exchange for a look at his hand and vague promise to let him look again sometime in the future. In the end, all he had to do was ask. Kubota rarely told him no, and when he did, there was usually a reason. Tokito wasn't always sure what the real reasons were, but he supposed that Kubota wouldn't tell him no for something lame.

Toktio leaned back against the sofa, and looked down at Kubota, who placed his head in Tokito's lap after the fifth round. His head felt fuzzy, but he didn't have the energy to make Kubota stop being weird.

"Kubo-chan?" Tokito hoped that his voice was as clear as it sounded in his head.

There was a moment or two of silence, but then Kubota responded, "Hmm?"

He looked down and saw Kubota looking up at him, eyes slightly unfocused, smiling at him genuinely. He swallowed once, and looked away. The questions on his tongue disappeared, and instead, he said, "Tell me something."

"Something?" Kubota reached over and ran his finger down Tokito's forearm, hooking the glove, and removed it.

Part of him wanted to flinch as the fur and claws came into view, but everything felt too slow, muddied and dim. "Anything, Kubo-chan."

"There's no one I won't kill to keep you with me." Kubota removed his glasses, and placed them on the arm of the couch behind him.

In the back of his mind, Tokito knew he should be put off or even scared by the truth he could hear in the words, but instead he felt heat suffused through his body. "Why?"

Kubota reached up and grabbed the back of Tokito's neck, pulling him down for a kiss. It wasn't like their usual kisses, all teeth and tongue, biting and hard. Instead, it was soft, deep, and slowly turned all the words and questions rambling about his brain off. Kubota pulled away, their lips still touching, and replied, "Because I'm yours."

kubota/tokito, slash, wa/ec, fic

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