
Nov 26, 2009 21:54

➸ No God-modding: There will be no god-modding accepted in this RP. If your character does something to another character, it must be approved by the other player as well.

➸ Plots: The sky is the limit, HOWEVER, you must get life-changing plots approved by a mod first, and discuss it with the players involved. Examples of this would be: Pregnancy, Suicide, Major Accident, Memory Loss, Rape, etc.

➸ Powers: There will be limits to Powers. If a power is too strong, limits must be placed upon it. Powers also come with drawbacks. The mods will be the judge of power limitation.

➸ Mature Content: All mature content should be kept friends locked, with a warning and rating given to the rest of us. Keep in mind that we do have players under the age of eighteen, so be sure that who you’re role-playing rated-R things with is of legal age to avoid breaking the law.

➸ Respect Your Other Players: Please play nice, it keeps the drama to a minimum, and makes playing easier for everyone. Treat them as you would want to be treated, and when in doubt please ask. Try to resolve OOC problems on your own; but if this is completely unmanageable you may send a message to the mod. If arguments break out on journals or in chat, players will be asked to take it elsewhere and handle it privately.

➸ OOC vs. IC: OOC Knowledge does not equal IC Knowledge. Additionally, things that happen in OOC do not happen in the role-play. The bulk of the game should be played within the actual RP, though this does not pertain to little things that are easily done off-camera. Plots, events, and important things that happen and be posted in the role-play so other characters may know what is going on.

➸ LJ-CUTS: Lj cuts (unless the entry is very short) are preferred to save page space. Please be considerate to other players and think of cutting- people don't mind reading through a paragraph or two while scanning the comm page, but by the fifth paragraph they may be getting a little bit vexxed.

♔OOC Complaints

➸ If you have a complaint about someone playing a character that is Mary Sue, or OOC there are several steps to take before going to a mod.

FIRST, leave them a message on their How’s My Driving stating your concerns. It must be constructive and respectful critique. Flames and negative criticism is entitled to be deleted. This will let the player know the concerns, and give them a chance to improve. Over time, if the problem still persists, then you can continue on to the second step.

SECOND, now you may let a mod know your concerns. If the concerns are justifiable then you will be brought into a private chat between the person who made the complaint, a mod, and the person being complained against. This meeting should be constructive and open minds should be present in the discussions.

♔Application Rules

➸ Reserves: Reserves will be held for one week, and can be requested here

➸ Acceptance/Rejection: Your application will either be Accepted, or Rejected. If your application is rejected, you have up to three times to reapply if you so choose. The mods do want you to join, but we also have a standard, and we try to work with you to meet it.

➸ Fandoms: You may play up to 3 people from the same fandom; However, they must not be characters that have a lot of interaction within the series.

➸ Original Characters: We do accept Original Characters, but if you are applying for one, the application for Original Characters is harder. We ask that you have a full history ready, and break down of powers.

➸ The application itself: Though it's not required that you have perfect grammar, it is important that your application is readable.  We are a relaxed community and we will happily overlook some errors, especially if the content of what you are writing is good.  However, there is a point at which a lack of proof-reading takes away from other players' ability to enjoy the game.  Chatspeak, leetspeak, baby talk (bb tlk lks lyk diz), and other such things are not appropriate.

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