Title: Honey (is a poison best taken second-hand)
antirealityRating: NC-17 to be safe, yo
Warnings: Pr0nz, lol
Prompt: II - 82. Shouichi - apocalypse; "almost alone in the world"
Word count:
Summary: It was his fault, and now everyone was gone. Everyone - except for Byakuran who stayed by his side, even when he was dying.
Almost alone in the world )
Comments 2
And yes, Shou-chan. You will always have Byakuran.. x)
Great stories! XD
Gaaah, I'm so totally late with most of my khrfest submissions, but I somehow don't mind because I have time to read the other wonderful entries *___*
Thank goodness for Bel and Mukuro in the second piece - it's a good contrast to the heartbreaking 10051 you wrote ^^;;;;
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