Title: The Riverlord's Daughter Rating: G Characters: Catelyn, the Blackfish, Lysa, Littlefinger Word Count: 779 Summary: It's a normal evening at Riverrun for nine year old Catelyn Tully.
though she was not one of the children the Blackfish had been referring to. She was nearly ten, almost a woman grown. Her septa would say such talk was not fit for a woman’s ears either, but the men’s stories fascinated her. Their tales of battles and common women and other men’s misdeeds were more detailed than the songs and livelier than the maester’s lessons.
I think that's my favorite part, Cat's all "The children shouldn't hear this ... oh but, you can't mean me!", and then show she loves all the details.
And OMG Lysa no you can't sleep with Petyr.
She kissed him on the cheek Cunt-tease ;)
Thank you so much *hugs* This was filled with cute.
Comments 5
I think that's my favorite part, Cat's all "The children shouldn't hear this ... oh but, you can't mean me!", and then show she loves all the details.
And OMG Lysa no you can't sleep with Petyr.
She kissed him on the cheek
Cunt-tease ;)
Thank you so much *hugs* This was filled with cute.
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