Title: Brotherly Love Rating: R Pairing: Jon/Robb Word Count: 783 Summary: Jon and Robb say good-bye the night before Jon leaves for the Wall. Warning: incest
Jon and Robb's relationship intrigues me because Jon loves his brother but he's also very jealous and resentful.
I ship Theon/Robb too, as well as Jon/Theon(oh the hate!sex). If this was a normal fandom, we'd have lots of fic for all three pairings. Oh well, nothing to do but write ourselves. :D
Jon's jealousy is one of the things about his character that makes him tolerable to me. Keeps me from being a complete Gary Stu.
I realized only today that the conflict over Jon is the only thing that saves Ned and Catelyn from being Stepford people. If not for Ned's secrecy and supposed adultery and Cat's resentment of it, they'd be too perfect.
Theon/Jon is on my list of things to write because I love the thought. Jon's the type of character who, IMO, isn't as interesting paired with friends. He's the type you need a wrong!bad pairing for, like hate!sex with enemies or angsty incest. Hell, even in canon, he was paired with the enemy!
Comments 13
I ship Theon/Robb too, as well as Jon/Theon(oh the hate!sex). If this was a normal fandom, we'd have lots of fic for all three pairings. Oh well, nothing to do but write ourselves. :D
Jon/Theon would be crazy hot and angry.
I realized only today that the conflict over Jon is the only thing that saves Ned and Catelyn from being Stepford people. If not for Ned's secrecy and supposed adultery and Cat's resentment of it, they'd be too perfect.
And OMG to the person mentionning Theon/Jon, that would be the hottest thing ever (I'm such a sucker for hatesex >_>;;)
Theon/Jon is on my list of things to write because I love the thought. Jon's the type of character who, IMO, isn't as interesting paired with friends. He's the type you need a wrong!bad pairing for, like hate!sex with enemies or angsty incest. Hell, even in canon, he was paired with the enemy!
But now that you mention it, the world needs Jon/Mance. Possibly even Jon/Stannis. Okay maybe not the latter. But Jon/Theon is totally on.
Too bad all the people Jon hates at the Watch are all pompous fools, otherwise I'd have made a case for Allester(sp?)/Jon
LOL. I'd read Allister Thorne/Jon noncon if someone else wrote it.
I want to write Jon/Catelyn but I'm still trying to figure out how to do that and keep Catelyn in character.
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