And I'm Moving

Dec 28, 2020 15:31

After more than 20 years, my email provider has decided that they will no longer support personal websites.   So my fic site is gone.  Fear not, however, the fic has all been saved and I am (very, very slowly) moving it to Archive Of Our Own, at this address:


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Comments 10

irinamarenco December 28 2020, 21:18:54 UTC
I'm glad you're posting your stories back. Rearranging Fate is in my top 5 Stargate fics ever. And The Parting Glass is one of the very few stories that makes me cry.


redbyrd_sgfic December 30 2020, 03:12:40 UTC
Thanks! It's a pain moving things, but I do feel like I'm reconnecting with the community.


aelfgyfu_mead December 29 2020, 00:20:53 UTC
Nice to see you around these parts; it has been a while!

I'm very glad you've moved them. Many people just let theirs go, and yours are some of my very favorites-and the major impetus for me to write my own SG-1 fic, which got me back into fic after years away!


redbyrd_sgfic December 30 2020, 03:21:04 UTC
It has indeed. I keep mulling over some of my vast stash of unfinished fic, though it's been a while since I did any work on it. I'm kind of hoping that this inspires me.

First, though, I've got to get them all moved. I did the first one yesterday, and whew. I'm hoping it gets faster as I go along. Got any hot tips? I want to try importing again- my first shot didn't work well. And it's clear to me that dividing things into chapters is going to be the biggest time sink. So far I haven't found any easy way to put a file into AO3 and then divide it.


aelfgyfu_mead December 30 2020, 23:06:58 UTC
I wish I did have tips! It took a lot of time for me to move all my fic. I didn't try to do any kind of direct import. Creating chapters for my long works was also very time consuming: I was rereading works that I hadn't broken down that way and trying to figure out what made sense.

Good luck with it! I hope you find ways to make it faster.


anonymous December 29 2020, 02:23:20 UTC
So glad to hear this!


lord_spyridon December 29 2020, 12:00:38 UTC
I was shocked when I noticed the site went down. A copy of it, however, does still exist on the Wayback Machine.

I hope you don't mind but I did save a copy to my hard drive for personal consumption since more and more of the older archives are disappearing with no back up.


redbyrd_sgfic December 30 2020, 03:16:06 UTC
Yes, it's kind of irritating. I suppose that so many people have migrated to other sites that hardly anyone does their own sites any more. I do have my own copies of the site also, though it's good to know it's still out there- it's going to take a bit for me to get everything moved over to AO3.

And I'm fine with people saving copies for personal consumption. I should be- I've got more than a few faves stashed on my own hard drive!


lord_spyridon December 31 2020, 11:35:52 UTC
I kind of forgot my system since it's been years since I wrote and posted a chapter but I think what I did was I posted the chapter to FFN on an existing document. I was dead set on keeping the line break image which disappears from uploaded works for some weird reason. Then copied the rich text to paste to LJ. The third step was use the HTML version from LJ's editor to post to other sites as this process kept the line break. I just recently had to catch up AO3 to my LJ and FFN.

It was easy to break a story up into chapters because I release them chapter by chapter as I write them. There is a character limit on LJ though. I forgot how many.

It's a lie that everything on the internet lasts forever. Apparently, they haven't seen it where old archives got tanked. XD


anonymous December 29 2020, 23:54:03 UTC
I'm sorry you have to go to all the trouble of moving the fics, but I am glad you are doing it--I love your fic!

Beatrice Otter


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