If this were a real post, there would be an actual subject here.

Jul 08, 2007 18:16

Actually, this is a backdated post I'm dumping into last week to collect any comments relevant to recent changes to my website, or any other questions or comments people might want to make that don't seem to fit elsewhere.


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Comments 25

seaon 1 part 4 daniels story anonymous May 1 2011, 22:25:57 UTC
Hi been reading your story on daniel after he came back from Abydos and found it was excellent. When are you posting part 4???


Re: seaon 1 part 4 daniels story redbyrd_sgfic May 2 2011, 14:39:15 UTC
I'm afraid I've no idea. The next piece (which is holding up everything after it) has a really annoying plot problem I haven't figured out how to solve). And I've been busy with other projects and commitments and have drifted away from SG-1 somewhat. I do hope to sit down with the DVDs at some point and get re-inspired to finish some things, but it's unlikely to happen in the next couple of months.


Re: seaon 1 part 4 daniels story harmne May 23 2011, 05:33:18 UTC
I've read and re-read every story on your page several times and if I had to choose only one as a favorite it would be a difficult choice! I love them all! I, too, was curious as to when you might have a chance to finish and post "Red Tape" to your pre-series series. I'd also love to read the story not yet written where Kaanan finally catches up to and apologizes to Jack for hijacking his body and abandoning him to Ba'al's not-so-tender mercies.
I hope you'll find time to write more SG-1 stories soon, but until then I'll just re-read your other favorites!
Thanks for all the great reads,
Melody (aka Harmne)


Re: seaon 1 part 4 daniels story redbyrd_sgfic May 23 2011, 19:36:46 UTC
Melody, thanks for your note. I am pretty determined not to let all my various WIPs just die, and especially not this one. I hope to get back to it later this summer. It really helps to know that you and others are interesting in reading them.

Best regards,


anonymous May 27 2011, 17:03:27 UTC
Hey there! I just ran across your fanfiction while looking for a good episode tag to "Prometheus Unbound." "Performance Reviews" and "Training Exercises" were both awesome! I'm definitely going to have to take a look at your other stories.


anonymous July 7 2011, 00:55:57 UTC
Hi Just read the Abyss stories with Kanaan and Jack and loved them when will the sequel be posted!


redbyrd_sgfic July 7 2011, 12:25:28 UTC
Part 3 has been moving very slowly. I do have a draft for it, but writing time has been in very short supply lately, so I really couldn't say. If you'd like to be on my update list for new fic, drop me an email or private message with an e-dress, and I'd be happy to let you know.


anonymous January 6 2013, 07:32:59 UTC
I love all the stories on your web page, and have read some of them about 20 times. I wondered if you'd ever though to doing a story about one of the SGC member's kids later on, after the Stargate is declassified or made public and the kids find out what exactly their dad had been doing all that time. I just re-read the story "Eve Of Destruction" and Feretti's daughter would be a perfect person to feature, as Lou was a cool character anyway and had been in on everything from the beginning... She'd be so shocked! While she was reading sci-fi her dad was LIVING it, going to other planets, fighting aliens, making alien friends, saving the world, etc. Not to mention I'm sure Lou's wife would like to know finally what had been going on some of those times Lou was gone. (Hopefully AFTER Lou was retired and not still getting shot at on a regular basis!).

I'm sure your life has been busy but if you find time, I'd love to read any new stuff you come up with. Even incomplete and in-progress!

Thanks for all the good stories!


talomor August 26 2014, 18:06:04 UTC
OtHey Redbird,
I only discovered your fics yesterday, and I gotta say, so far I've loved every single one of them (I still got a ways to go though, you wrote so many!). Anyway, I know it's ten years too late, but - are you going to write another story in the Abyss-series? Kanan's voice, his thoughts and feeling, and also Tosca, they all struck a chord with me and I'd love to read the next part of their journey.
Thanks for writing those great stories!
A new fan.


redbyrd_sgfic August 26 2014, 19:45:30 UTC
Hi Talomor-

Thanks for the note! It's always lovely to hear that someone is enjoying the stories. The good news is- many of these are not at all short (I really don't do short), so you have a bunch of reading left. The bad news, well. The third part in the Abyss series has been stalled for an embarrassingly long time.

The working title is "To Beg Forgiveness", and I have Kanan and Tosca passing through another series episode which I need to go back and watch again, to make sure it all fits. And I really haven't been writing a lot the last few years (work takes up so much time that could be better- or at least more enjoyably!- spent on fic!), though I do hope to eventually wrap up some of these loose ends before I move on altogether.



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