
Aug 24, 2010 16:15

Oh goody, goody, there's another Teaparty rally in DC this weekend. At least they have been advised to stay off the green and yellow lines, which I guess means they won't be around my neighborhood. (there is also this handy map). Maybe it will at least be entertaining after the fact again. My favorite part about the last rally was the irony of ( Read more... )

abita, axis of emo, dc, tai, beer, new orleans, politics

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Comments 6

blindmouse August 24 2010, 21:45:58 UTC
Is it really heterosexuality? I think I've always thought of it as macho, rather than hetero. A machismo so virulent that it can withstand a questionable sexuality.

(Whenever I think of KISS I think of this one interview where they were geeking out over the fact that their logo was hand-drawn so one of the S's is shorter than the other. I think that makes it hard for me to think of them as terribly hardcore anyway.)


redbrickrose August 25 2010, 01:16:47 UTC
A machismo so virulent that it can withstand a questionable sexuality.

I think that's true, but I think the fact that it *isn't* questioned is also important. The other point that 'Night made was, that if you reduce their stage show to just the functional elements, what is the *functional* difference between KISS and, say, Adam Lambert? That kind of dominant machismo becomes threatening when it is unapologetically queer, and probably threatening even if it potentially queer.

I know very little about the band themselves, so I'm speaking less of them as a band and more of how they are read in the dominant culture. It seems to be that there was something consciously kitsch about their performance, but that was just my perception and I don't know if that's true.

Also, I have had a lot of beer right now, so I'm hoping I'm making sense. :)


mischiefmydear August 24 2010, 21:52:27 UTC
Um, totes off topic, but did you read what next season of SPN is going to be like? I kind of got excited, no lie. (And when I get excited about this crap, I immediately think of you, because I have no one else to get talk about my tv addictions with.)


redbrickrose August 25 2010, 01:17:50 UTC
I don't know, honestly! I keep seeing allusions to something, but I haven't read any actual spoilers! What's going on?


mischiefmydear August 25 2010, 01:19:24 UTC
I read an interview with Kripke about how he's stepping down (and some girl is stepping up). And they're done with the Angels & Demons storyline, that they're going back to creatures & monsters, and they're going to start exploring the Campbells. That their grandfather is still alive, that Mary came from this long line of hunters that came over and settled the country, and they may have more family alive than they knew.

(Yay family?!?! I'm excited.)


bhadrasvapna August 25 2010, 15:00:12 UTC
We took the kids to see KISS two weekends ago. The little one pulled out her ear plugs after two songs and said "I can handle this." She's adamant that the ballad "Beth" isn't a real KISS song.

My older daughter's friend thinks KISS stands for Knights in Satan's Service. She also isn't allowed to sleep over because I write about vampires. KISS actually stands for Keep it Simple Stupid, meaning they wanted to keep their music simple, which they did.

I don't think KISS depends on masculinity. Judas Priest's Rob Halford came out of the closet awhile ago and it effected them zilch. KISS's draw is it's very ritualistic and encourages a sub-culture (the KISS Army).


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