Fic: Ways of Going Forward

Jan 18, 2010 23:51

I used have all of these (rather arbitrary and completely personal) lines about how people had to be a certain level of famous before I would write fic about them, but then The Like happened and ruined everything by being everything I didn't know I'd always wanted in a bandom band. Oh well. What are you gonna do? *hands ( Read more... )

axis of emo, bandom:fic, thelike:fic, thelike, fic!

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Comments 25

egelantier January 19 2010, 07:29:11 UTC
oh, so lovely. i love how they all try to draw the lines - about the band, not about the band, about us, not about us - and sort of fail miserably, and i love the sheer amount of relationship bravery going into fixing things. and first time kisses, and alex with his spiking way, and ryan in a full suit, and z with her slaps and hugs. awesome ♥


redbrickrose January 19 2010, 20:25:42 UTC
Thanks, bb. ♥ I'm glad you enjoyed it.


blindmouse January 19 2010, 07:57:56 UTC
I feel like the world is a little brighter because this story exists ♥


redbrickrose January 19 2010, 20:28:43 UTC
♥ ♥ Well your help definitely contributed to its existence, so thank you.


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redbrickrose January 19 2010, 20:29:25 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it!


inlovewithnight January 19 2010, 14:19:55 UTC
I really really like this, bb. ♥ Send me panicked e-mails anytime. :)


redbrickrose January 19 2010, 20:33:37 UTC
With big bang coming up, I imagine that there won't be any shortage of them. :) But seriously, thank you for being supportive, even when I was incoherent and sending emails about my chronic inability to properly punctuate. I know The Like aren't even really where your fannish interests lie, so I really do appreciate all the help. ♥


harborshore January 21 2010, 16:29:40 UTC
Oh my god. *wipes at eyes* So I complain about how I want lesbian love stories all the time (ask anyone), and this is so so lovely.


redbrickrose January 21 2010, 18:25:55 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I complain about that quite a bit too. :)


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