That was enjoyable; I never ever want to read any of the fic that comes out of it, but it was enjoyable.
So Dean doesn't believe in destiny and Sam does now, and now Dean's the one with who's okay with a normal life. I'm still clinging to my reading of their core, driving motivations as being intact (Sam: free will, self-determination, CHOICE; Dean: his family safe and together, whatever the cost), but Dean (and his innate-hunterness or whatever) clearly being destined too (though I guess he has to choose to embrace it) complicates that. Dean and Sam are obviously being pitted against each other in the Heaven vs Hell battle, but equally obvious is their need for each other and the way they're drawn together. It's not just hunting Dean finds his way to in the dark every time, it's Sam - though admittedly Sam did a lot of the finding this time around. You know, I still say that Sam is going to end up sacrificing himself for Dean and that that's already what he's doing, even if Dean is the one destined to save the world - but even on opposite sides of some great cosmic struggle, I don't see Dean ever being able to take Sam out and the angels have to know that too. There's something else going on there.
Next week's episode is either going to be really awesome or really dumb.
I haven't posted in almost a week. How are you guys? We're getting to the end of the semester and things are getting more hectic. Of course, somehow I'm actually more stressed about ficathon deadlines than I am about school (school will get done because it HAS to). Big Bang? HAHAHAHAHAHA. HA. HA. *cries* (For those of you following along at home, I have abandoned the Brendon/Ryan/Keltie in favor of the Ryan/Spencer. It is only going slightly better, but it does have more going for it thematically than "I think it would be hot" which was really all the other one had - not that that's not valid).
I am also fairly (read: completely) stalled on
grazieprego. I just don't know! AtS people, come tell me something about Angel or Spike or Angel/Spike. Just anything. I'm thisclose to rewatching NFA to see if it shakes something loose or, you know, just as an experiment to see if it still makes me want to kill myself (the existence of the comics kind of helps with this, but I haven't really been reading them. I probably should). It's been almost FIVE YEARS; you'd think I'd be able to get through a second viewing of that episode by now.
*Interesting observation about my own fannish behaviors: A complete list of fannish texts about which I have no perspective and am COMPLETELY UNREASONABLE and which still have the power to totally make me loose my shit years later: The Vampire Chronicles (about which I was never actively fannish), The X-Files, and AtS (BtVS to a much lesser extent). These are the things that I cared the most about I really participated in fandom (it was AtS that made me actually write something. It was NFA, actually. Huh.) Everything since I've had a lot more distance from, even when I care a LOT. It's like fandom releases all the built up tension and crazy. So, uh, thanks for that, fandom. I'm sure that level of obsessed would be a lot less cute now than it was when I was eleven.
Unrelatedly, my brother discovered that the LEXX miniseries has now been released on DVD and he sent it to me as a belated birthday present. \o/ MOST EXCELLENT. This is the only part of that series that wasn't crap. (LEXX=porn plot w/o the porn). Of course, I already own the rest of it. /o\