Fic: If the World is Ending

Jan 07, 2009 16:19

Uh, hi!

So I got back from Birmingham yesterday and I checked pieces of my flist and I saw that Merlin fandom is having asinine wank and something happened in bandom too? And Livejournal might be imploding again and while I have opinions on all of that, I found it all too disheartening so I did this instead ( Read more... )

axis of emo, bandom:fic, cs:fic, hooraythecobra, zombie_apocalypse, fic!

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Comments 29

rawkenr0ll January 7 2009, 22:13:59 UTC


redbrickrose January 8 2009, 03:28:06 UTC
Thanks! *g*


lynnenne January 8 2009, 03:26:00 UTC
I can't even leave a coherent comment about this fic, because I have no context and no clue. But it made me laugh like a loon.

Pete spends a lot of time blogging for posterity.

Hahahahaha. I probably would, too. :D


redbrickrose January 8 2009, 03:32:25 UTC
Heee! I'm glad. Thanks for reading! I'm amazed you got through it without context, tbh. Fanon, fanon everywhere!

That's another line I can't take credit for. I was told by my New Orleans friends that my role in the event of a zombie apocalypse is to blog about it for posterity - mostly because they think I'd be pretty useless otherwise. They're probably right. *g*


lynnenne January 8 2009, 03:35:16 UTC


songgirl12 January 8 2009, 06:16:55 UTC
1) You know she could.

2) If a vision ever named me LORD GROOVIUS, I would never answer to anything else. Ever.

3) No one dies at the end!

4) I have emphatic feelings about a certain singer and what would actually happen in the zombie apocalypse, regardless of his self-doubt (which he only has because it hasn't happened yet, but when it does? that shit is on).


redbrickrose January 8 2009, 06:26:25 UTC
1) I always believed you! She totally could.

3) That was really the point. The prior drafts all had working titles like "zombie apocalypse, everyone dies" and it just . . . wasn't working for me. This is random and plotless crack, but it's also relatively free of overwrought angst, so I'm calling it a win.

4) yes, yes I do too, but I also think that Gabe WOULD have a zombie survival plan and I share Ashlee's doubts wrt Panic's survival odds. This fic was written with the assumption that Gerard's comments were correct. Of course what bothered me most about that article was the statement that he'd never even *thought* about it. The fact that My Chemical Romance doesn't sit around on their bus discussing their survival plan in the event of the zombie apocalypse fundamentally altered my worldview.


songgirl12 January 8 2009, 06:31:57 UTC
A win indeed.

Oh. Huh. The fact that most people don't sit around discussing their survival plans in the event of zombie apocalypse seriously just occurred to me. I don't know, maybe I'd known it before, but it just hit me on a very real level. I don't know how I feel right now. Worry is part of it, though. Worldview-altering is definitely a large part of it.


redbrickrose January 8 2009, 15:01:41 UTC
Stef, I regularly spend a great deal of my time with people who do not do this. I try to point out how screwed we would be in the event of the zombie apocalypse, but it DOES NO GOOD.


xsnarkasaurus January 8 2009, 11:32:52 UTC
i love your brain.


redbrickrose January 8 2009, 15:01:52 UTC


hakeer January 8 2009, 14:40:05 UTC
I love everything about this. \o/


redbrickrose January 8 2009, 15:02:26 UTC
\o/ Thanks for reading.


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