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Comments 17

entourage killabeez September 20 2008, 13:28:29 UTC
Also, how is there not more fic for this fandom? How is there not an EPIC following. This show is EVERYTHING FANDOM LOVES.

Hmm. I felt that way about the first season. Ever since then, I've fallen kind of out of love because of the asshole factor, even as my love for Ari has climbed steadily upward, to the point where, at times, I was watching the show solely for him. But, I'm still watching, and have hope that they will do something good this season.

I think Eric/Ari is an awesome pairing, and would be thrilled if there were more of it. ETA: especially if it came with a side of Eric-hung-up-on-Vince. :D



Re: entourage redbrickrose September 20 2008, 16:49:29 UTC

Ever since then, I've fallen kind of out of love because of the asshole factor

Ahh, yes. This is my fear. I'm not even done with the second season yet, so I do kind of expect that to get worse. I'm going to watch the whole thing though, and see what I think then.

I think Eric/Ari is an awesome pairing, and would be thrilled if there were more of it. ETA: especially if it came with a side of Eric-hung-up-on-Vince.

I would read that! There should be more of that. But I feel like there should be a lot more Entourage fic in general.



Re: entourage killabeez September 20 2008, 21:23:45 UTC
No spoilers, just, I just finished watching ep 02 of the current season, and so far I'm liking where they're going with it. *crosses fingers*


lycomingst September 20 2008, 17:57:39 UTC
I'm glad you're finding your groove. If we don't count the 'rage blackouts'.

I'm still liking the new cast "House", except, of course, I agree with you about Amber being more watchable than Thirteen. And 13 is wigging me out with how her face is becoming more skull-like as time passes. She should eat a sammich.

The National Museum of Women in the Arts, in DC, has sent me a guest pass with my membership. Let me know if you can use it.


redbrickrose September 20 2008, 21:59:51 UTC
Eh. My hope is that the election will put an end to the rage blackouts one way or another, since most of them are induced by the campaign these days. I will either be very happy or I will just have to reconcile myself and go back to paying just a dull and distant kind of attention (like I've been doing for years) so that I don't actually loose my mind. Hope is fun! Also kind of dangerous.

I liked Amber. She was fun. But now Thirteen is about the only one left who I find consistently watchable. House and Wilson need to just get their shit together already and get together. It has the potential to be so unhealthy! But they kind of deserve each other.

Oooo. That looks really cool. I could definitely use it. Thanks!


lycomingst September 21 2008, 20:41:17 UTC
Just send me your address at zandra1950[@]yahoo.com and I'll put the museum pass in the mail this week. 8 ]


a2zmom September 20 2008, 19:11:47 UTC
I thought the new Ruby was awful. Like I wondered who was sleeping with to get the part awful.


redbrickrose September 20 2008, 22:02:50 UTC
I didn't mind her that much, though she was missing the attitude that made Cassidy so much fun to watch. (Ruby was never my favorite because I was always uncomfortable with the not acknowledging the original inhabitant of the body thing, but I never thought Cassidy did a bad job with the character, though I know some people did). It was the scene where she's revealed as Ruby that rang false to me. Something in the delivery was . . . almost plaintive, I guess, in a way that I wouldn't have associated with her before. Ruby's a badass, whatever else you think about her.


murielle September 20 2008, 22:00:13 UTC
House: Sadly, I watched it during my no-sleep period and can't remember too much about it. On one hand I understand Wilson's desire to get away from House. But, it makes me sad. I liked them together. On the other hand, experience has shown me that decisions made regarding friendships after the loss of a loved one are often final. However, the pseudo-parental role Wilson played was limiting and must have been frustrating for the actors. I do not believe that he's gone for good, though. But his return will be interesting because the writers/creators will have to justify it and so I believe a drastic change will be inevitable. What that change will be I can't imagine ( ... )


redbrickrose September 20 2008, 22:10:07 UTC
Oh, I figured they're going to bring Wilson back, and it will be interesting to see how they do it. I get his desire to get away from House, but the other thing is that that relationship went both ways. House was dependent but Wilson is an enabler. He was not innocent in that dynamic. He needs to be needed and House needed him more than any of his wives ever did, so his dismissal, though understandable, wasn't entirely fair. I don't know; we'll see. Last season we acknowledged that Amber was essentially a female House (just without the neediness) *and* introduced a bisexual character and spent a lot of time talking about her bisexuality even though it wasn't relevant to the story. Patients/other characters are frequently avatars for House or Wilson, so. I'm reserving judgment, but I'm curious where they're going because all narrative signs point to House/Wilson, but I really, really don't believe it's going to happen ( ... )


murielle September 20 2008, 23:21:13 UTC
Oh, you're totally right about Wilson's enabling--even he seemed to know it. Look how he struggled with the whole Amber-bed-thing. Re: House/Wilson, I saw an interview--I think it was Inside An Actors Studio--and Laurie was asked about the House/Wilson thing and if I recall correctly he didn't say it couldn't happen. In fact he seemed quite coy about it. So, you just never know. ;-))

It's TV, so it's almost garunteed that they're going to make a mess of the "angel of the Lord" thing. I hope they don't. I'd hate to see a Touched By An Angel thing. This angel should be totally edgy, and ... yeah, you know? At least I hope he will.

A wise person told me once--I assume he was wise, everyone seemed to think he was wise--that we strive for balance and as soon as we get it life intervenes and throws us a curve ball so we have to start the striving all over again. Nice, huh? LOL!


soundingsea September 21 2008, 13:49:36 UTC
My theory about the lack of Entourage fic is that it's more difficult to write than it looks! I beta-read some Eric/Ari for fodian a couple of Yuletides ago, and she clearly drew upon LA-regional knowledge and lots of ONTD-style info. If you don't already have all that at your disposal, that's quite the research task, even for a ficlet.

Also, I now read a lot about politics all of the time and spend much of what little free time I have having rage blackouts.

Heh, yeah. I'm definitely hoping I stop feeling like this in November.


redbrickrose September 21 2008, 17:03:16 UTC
I read that! That's probably true. I'm just surprised there's not *some* more since this is its fifth season and the fandom is miniscule.

I figure I have to stop feeling like this in November, right? Either things go well or I dig in and reconcile myself, but this intensity has to die down a bit. I think. I hope.


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