Over and Out

Aug 09, 2008 00:56

Friends cut - we never talked and/or there was significant fandom drift. If you feel like I cut you in error, let me know, etc, etc, you know the drill. Things are probably about to get really boring around here anyway. I can almost guarantee that the near future will hold many, many posts about my neuroses and very few posts of actual substance ( Read more... )

my neuroses: let me show you them, birmingham

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Comments 10

aurora_84 August 9 2008, 08:37:32 UTC


inlovewithnight August 9 2008, 14:28:13 UTC
Good luck! Not that you need it, because you will be awesome. :)

And just ask yourself what Gabe would do. Then maybe eliminate all of the answers that involve basements, but it's still a good starting point.


lynnenne August 9 2008, 14:51:34 UTC
Good luck, lovely! *huge hugs*


lycomingst August 9 2008, 15:09:39 UTC
Somebody else on my fl just announced they're moving to DC. It's the happenin' place! With all the political doings it should be an interesting year there. Not that you'll have time for stuff other than school, but still, interesting.

Every time I come across DeGrassi on tv, I end up watching it, at least for a while. I'm getting to know who is who.


elucidate_this August 9 2008, 15:18:00 UTC
You will have so much fun m'dear! Good luck!

(And this week was so much fun. My life is sad and fangirl free now :( I miiiiiiiisssssss you)


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