
Jul 02, 2008 01:16

I am cranky because my Black Parade dvd has not come yet and because I went to three different bookstores and none of them had the new Lynn Flewelling book ( Read more... )

axis of emo, dc, apartment_drama, hooraythecobra, my neuroses: let me show you them, patd, pretending_people_care

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Comments 8

inlovewithnight July 2 2008, 14:12:21 UTC
::sends good vibes for apartment!::

You could maybe try to turn the zombie-apocalypse fic to the comedic-zombies angle, like Shaun of the Dead? I think Gabe would wisecrack at the end of the world like that. I totally want that fic, so I'm being selfish. ;)


redbrickrose July 2 2008, 15:17:51 UTC

Heh. Yeah, I think maybe it needs to be way more comedic. It was supposed to be. I don't know what happened!


dreamyraynbo July 2 2008, 15:22:52 UTC
Yay for apartment, boo for no TBPID. Lynn Flewelling has a new book?! \o/

You know, one of the places I always get stuck in my writing is the details. Not that I can't do them, but that I get obsessive about planning them that I get totally distracted from the actual story.

That said, yeah, writing RPF is even worse. There are details that actually exist already, but we don't have them, or can't get them without being really freaky. But they are there, damn it. I don't know, maybe that's why half of bandom is made up of AUs...

Anyway, good luck with everything!


redbrickrose July 3 2008, 06:34:57 UTC
Still haven't gotten TBPID. It totally should have been here by now. :(

YES! and in the Nightrunner series, too! They don't sell it in Birmingham, but it does exist.

writing RPF is even worse. There are details that actually exist already, but we don't have them, or can't get them without being really freaky. But they are there, damn it. I don't know, maybe that's why half of bandom is made up of AUs...

I absolutely think that it contributes to the number of AUs. It's totally crazy making. Also, though, it feels like everything is shades of AU and while that is arguably true in any fandom it's not true in the same way. If you have a tv show, canon is set. It's what happens on screen. There aren't things going on in canon you don't know about, there aren't pieces of canon some people know and others don't RPF canon is so amorphous and it makes the whole thing complicated.

Anyway, good luck with everything!



mischiefmydear July 2 2008, 15:38:00 UTC
If you need any help with the apartments, let me know-- I just remembered I have two classmates living in D.C., one in Rockville MD, and one who just got back from D.C., so I may be able to help you with a few resources. (Hi, erm, duh. My head is like, GONE lately).

Also, there is nothing wrong with wanting to live alone. Having lived alone, while I like having other people around, there are like, weird oddities to deal with when you have to live with strangers. And in a way, it's like, we're ALMOST getting to old for that (or at least I think I am. I don't want dirty roommates who are all like hippies or hipsters). It's more messy when pets are involved (like how Lottie HATES for any door to be closed, including the bathroom one).


redbrickrose July 3 2008, 06:36:52 UTC
Thanks! I'm going to see what happens with this one and if it falls through, I just might take you up on that.

My cat is pretty sweet, but she definitely has her idiosyncrasies. I'm sure I'll miss having people there, but it just seems like it would be so much *easier* to live by myself, especially because I don't know anyone so I don't know how we'd mesh.


darksylvia July 2 2008, 18:11:43 UTC
I feel the same way about the shifting canon. I've had several of my half-started bandom stories jossed, and yeah, it's fixable, but as soon as it's jossed, I lose my will to write it.

Of course, I've partially-solved this with AU, WHICH IS A JOY, YOU SHOULD LEARN TO WRITE IT.


redbrickrose July 3 2008, 06:38:50 UTC
I don't totally lose my will to write it so much as I get obsessed with the idea that IT'S GOING TO BE WRONG, OMG. And it's not even like anyone else necessarily cares so much about that; I'm just a little OCD though, so it bugs me.

AUs would be much easier with the shifting canon issue. I really should try it.


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