
May 26, 2008 03:40

I flew into El Paso this afternoon and I'm in Las Cruces now, so I'm finally on the next leg of the road trip. I've pretty much spent the last week drinking beer and playing Rockband, which is pretty much my new favorite activity ever ( Read more... )

new mexico, summer of questionable decision making, delinquent road trip

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Comments 4

exsequar May 26 2008, 10:39:33 UTC
Beer! \o/ Rockband! \o/ (Well, Guitar Hero \o/ but I assume Rockband is just as awesome). I fully approve of this course of action.

Panic babies, ugh. They're killing my heart with cute <3

I am in the full throes of exam time - three down, four to go, and one of them is in two and a half hours. MEEP. I'm also stressing epically about having to leave Dublin. It's not a good time in Anne's head :(

*hugs* Continue to have fun, my dear!


redbrickrose May 27 2008, 19:31:56 UTC
Rockband is awesome. I didn't expect to love it as much as I do.

I hadn't even really been reading other people's concert recaps, so I feel I was not fully prepared for just how adorable they were. <3

Good luck on the exams! And I understand that stress; it sucks to have to leave a place you love. Feel free to email me if you want to chat about it.

*hugs* Thanks!


cityphonelines May 26 2008, 16:56:56 UTC
You were in my city!


redbrickrose May 27 2008, 19:33:55 UTC
I was! I forgot you're in El Paso! I wish I was going to be in Cruces longer, but I'm only here until Thursday. It would have been cool to find a time to meet up.


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