I haven't talked about tv in forever

Dec 13, 2006 21:13

Happy Birthday to flurblewig and viciouswishes! I hope they were good!


Thank you, top secret judges for IWRY! *beams* "As Dark Things are Loved" was one of the winners for Reader's Choice of Best Overall Story! I've never won a fic award before; it's kind of exciting.

banner underneath cut because . . . it's kind of exciting )

apartment_drama, fannish_promiscuity, nip/tuck, veronica mars

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Comments 16

lady_alatariel_ December 14 2006, 04:16:59 UTC
I know exactly what you mean about Tritter on House. He is totally ruining the reasons that I watch the show. I was just saying that almost exact same thing to my sister last night. I watch House to watch him outsmart everyone and be a total jackass! Because I wish I was important enough at my job to talk like that to the complete idiots I see everyday!


redbrickrose December 14 2006, 04:37:24 UTC
I know! I watch for SNARK! I don't watch for ANGST. I have EVERY OTHER SHOW I WATCH for that! Hopefully the Tritter thing will be wrappe up soon.


lady_alatariel_ December 14 2006, 04:54:06 UTC
Exactly!! Just like I watch Gilmore Girls for the funny not for the angst!!

Stop switching moods on us, tv!!! UGH.

Plus Tritter is just a jerk. And not in the fun way like House, in the "why are you still here" way


redbrickrose December 14 2006, 09:20:49 UTC
Stop switching moods on us, tv!!! UGH.

No kidding. I'm weeks behind on Gilmore Girls too. I sort of want to catch up, but I don't care that much anymore because it's just not as much fun as it should be. When my fluff show starts depressing me, it is so not serving its purpose.

Tritter is just completely unsympathetic. He needs to GO AWAY.


mischiefmydear December 14 2006, 04:25:40 UTC
Bones is awesome, and I'm about to watch Season 1 for a second time, but wish season 2 were on DVD or that I had cable.

Also, after seeing Season 1 of Nip/Tuck, I'm not sure how I feel about it. At times it seems like it's trying to take something serious and put it into the plot, and I'm like, "Whoa! Not meshing, not meshing!" which makes me feel funny icky inside.


redbrickrose December 14 2006, 04:40:51 UTC
Bones is really good. I've missed huge chunks of this season though and I do wish I'd been keeping up with it better. It seems to have grown an elaborate plot arc, and now I'm confused.

Nip/Tuck is crack. I've noticed a lot of people either love it or hate it. I love it, but I don't take anything it does seriously. They do try and do more serious things sometimes. Sometimes these things work and sometimes they don't, but that's true of everything Nip/Tuck. It's really hit or miss in every way. I don't expect it to anything other than intentionally shocking, so that doesn't really bother me, but I do understand why other people don't like it.


mischiefmydear December 14 2006, 04:51:41 UTC
When Nip/Tuck has the dramedy going on, I love it. I like their personal lives, the way they interact with each other & their patients, etc. But what really... confused me was the plot with Escobar and his smuggling drugs in with the breast implants. It seemed like the writers were trying to take it to this political/social plane that it hadn't really established itself as being as. Their interaction with Escobar himself didn't even bother me, but some of the situations that it put them in did.

Which isn't to say I don't like it. I actually have the second season in my Netflix queue, waiting to finish up with the other movies I have.

Also, I have to cover my eyes during all of the surgeries or it makes me feel ill. :X


redbrickrose December 14 2006, 05:17:52 UTC
The surgeries always made me feel kind of sick as well. ;)

I see what you mean about Escobar; it's been a long time since I saw the first season, but you're right about the way that's handled - and Escobar just keeps showing up.

The second season is really good - the third, not so much. I liked the fourth season overall as well. There were parts that bugged me, but there always are. Really, really hit or miss.


viciouswishes December 14 2006, 05:59:55 UTC
Thanks for the birthday wishes! *hugs*


redbrickrose December 14 2006, 09:11:22 UTC
Welcome! *hugs*


femmenerd December 14 2006, 07:07:21 UTC
That is very pretty! I'm kind of weird about fanfic awards in my head lately, but that's another thing altogether. And I'm happy for you.

I feel VERY weird about VM for the same reasons as you. But I keep watching. And I still like V/L but I admit to also liking Piz.


redbrickrose December 14 2006, 09:12:50 UTC
Thank you! *g*

I'm going to keep watching VM, but yeah, I can't help feeling weird about it. That was just not really okay.

(I admit to liking Piz too).


debvel December 14 2006, 23:16:14 UTC
Tritter needs to go away now. I hate him and his arc.

Word. So much word. I want my snarky medical show back. Not this pseudo law-and-order show with a jackass cop abusing his powers and, oh yeah, the occasional medical case.


redbrickrose December 15 2006, 04:26:09 UTC
I know! This is not what I signed up for. Hmph.


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