
Oct 04, 2006 03:27

TV! Which I watch entirely too much of this season. I may cut back and just pick a few shows, but there are so many new ones I want to try, and I'm definitely not giving up the old ones. None of them make me truly fannish, though I guess that might change. Fandom itself is my fandom right now, more than any one show.


Heroes )

nip/tuck, veronica mars

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Comments 9

stephanierb October 4 2006, 13:06:09 UTC

I'm not feeling the V/L ship, which is weird given how hard I used to ship them.

Who could blame you given how it got NO attention during the premiere? I still ship them pretty hard, but I was one of the fans who didn't want to see them hook up again right away at the end of last season. I get why the writers did it, but I would've preferred to see the development you mentioned. So much of their relationship isn't addressed on the show and it's kind of frustrating. Hopefully that will change this season.

I also noticed that JD has been working out, though I'm undecided as to whether or not I like it. I do think he should avoid tightly fitting shirts, but he looked fine in the beginning of the episode.

I got pretty lost last season (again with the problem of watching it weekly. All at once it probably would have made more sense), so hopefully this season is more coherent.I'm a new fan, so I watched both seasons in one week. It was easier to keep up that way, that's for sure. I did read that the writers are going to try to ( ... )


redbrickrose October 4 2006, 15:05:23 UTC
V/L needs more development. I think you're right and it would have been better if they hadn't put them back together right away. There was so much tension there, and it really should have been addressed differently and more organically.

I watched the first season all at once and it made perfect sense to me. The second season I watched weekly and it was very WTF? so I think that does make a difference. They have said they're going to have shorter arcs and less convoluted plot lines this season, which should work better.


a2zmom October 4 2006, 13:21:12 UTC
I am really liking Heroes so far. Doubt I'll get fannish, but so far it's drawing me in.

I think this ep of VM was more enjoyable than just about the whole of last season. Keith, I love you! And I thought the whole Logan speech who he'd never cheat on Veronica was some pretty heavy foreshaowing but that could just be me.

Teddy Dunn wanted off the show in a major way, so I doubt he'll be back.

And poor Kendall. You should have stayed a cynic.


redbrickrose October 4 2006, 15:00:45 UTC
I enjoyed the episode, but last season I was so confused that I'm still kind of trying to figure out what's going on. I do wonder what they'll do with V/L; it isn't very dramatic to keep them together.

Teddy Dunn wanted off the show in a major way, so I doubt he'll be back.
Huh. I did not know that. I haven't paid much attention to interviews with the cast of VM or really even to the fandom recently.

Yes, poor Kendall. It's too bad we won't see more of Charisma.


a2zmom October 4 2006, 22:46:35 UTC
Most of fandom was incredibly cruel to Teddy on an unbelievable level and finally he had enough. I belive he's going to law school, so good for him.


redbrickrose October 5 2006, 08:39:37 UTC
Ah. I'm not surprised, but it's always sad to see that kind of hostility from the fan base.


marenfic October 4 2006, 15:20:34 UTC
I've really enjoyed Heroes, and will continue to watch but will likely not get fannish. I'm not a big fan of the gore, though.

As for Veronica-- I'm sad they messed with the opening credits and the theme song. Mr. Maren and I had a viewing ritual with that theme. *sadness* Other than that, I liked it-- visually it's a little different and though I used to really really enjoy the way Veronica was shot and the color palette, I don't mind the change with the change in environment. I'm interested in seeing the difference in the story arcs with the shorter planning- I think that's a good move. As for Veronica/Logan, I don't care about them one way or the other but I thought the bedroom scene was a little gratuitous and out of place given the lack of development. But, they've already very strongly foreshadowed a break-up between them so I'm sure the current situation is only temporary. In fact, I think it's possible they might play with Piz and Veronica a bit.

I'm mostly sad I didn't get to see Weevil.


redbrickrose October 4 2006, 15:30:26 UTC
The jury is out on Heroes for me, though I'm definitely going to give it more of a try.

I think the visual changes go with the change of environment. I imagine that the show will have a different feel this year, with the shorter arcs and new characters, but I agree that the shorter arcs are a good idea. Last season was too convoluted. I do care about V/L, but there really has not been as much development there. I think they've layed the ground work for Veronica/Piz flirtation at the very least; I doubt that they're going to leave V/L together. As much as I do like the ship, it hasn't really felt organic since s1.

I'm mostly sad I didn't get to see Weevil

I know! Where is Weevil?!?! He better show up next week.


(The comment has been removed)

redbrickrose October 5 2006, 08:41:06 UTC
VM is awesome. I'm not sure it will ever be as good as the first season again, but I have high hopes for this season so far. The college thing changes the feel of it somewhat, but I don't think that's a bad thing.


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