Dancing in Jane Austen's novels

Jul 05, 2010 23:21

Here is a great article on dancing in Jane Austen's time, titled Dancing at the Netherfield Ball

jane austen, dancing

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Comments 1

_kstar_ July 6 2010, 00:18:34 UTC
Thanks for posting this B. At a quick glance for me tango customs come to mind. There are some very strict rules in Milongas, and they aren't easily changed. This is why Nuevo has really taken off in BA especially.

There are a couple of things I could mention contrasting with your article. One place here in Melbourne doesn't allow any talking on the dance floor. You can't actually dance tango and talk at the same time. Every single move is improvised and there is almost a meditation that occurs between the couples. It is all non verbal.

The other thing is, in a traditional BA setting all invitations to dance are done by the man (except for same sex venues) making eye contact with the woman across the floor. The men and the women are seated separately and usually don't know each other. I will write more these customs in my journal later.


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