Between King and Queen

Jan 21, 2013 11:30

TITLE: Between King and Queen

AUTHOR: redblonde7

RECIPIENT: marimo_blogger

GENRE: Romance


SUMMARY: An ordinary day for the King and Queen of Spades.

NOTES: Thanks to teddybearofdork and stardust_bell or beta reading. Not only were they both brilliant betas but they were also really quick. I'm having major problems with LJ ( Read more... )

sealand, cardsverse, england, america, america/england, special relationship, au, secret santa

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Comments 2

marimo_blogger January 23 2013, 15:18:33 UTC
I'm so sorry this is so late; I've just had internet access after a few days' absence! >.<

Awww this is very adorable! I love the little details here (Roma as a Joker? Epic!), and there, and the serious 'working mode's of both Arthur and Alfred, which made the hug even more precious!

Thank you for writing this!! :D


I love this! hypnos28 January 25 2013, 16:02:40 UTC
Hi there, I'm a big fan of your alfred/arthur fanfictions. The way you write about their relationship is perfect; I'll always be waiting for more. Thank you for sharing this amazing piece of work!


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