Bring Me My Bow

Aug 12, 2012 18:49

Title: Bring Me My Bow

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 2,163

Rating/Warnings: 12, swearing

Summary: Done for the usxuk ' Summer Olympics'. America challenges England to an archery contest, completely unaware of what he's letting himself in for.

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usxuk summer olympics, america/england, special relationship, bring me my bow, england, america

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Comments 4

ren_chan146 August 12 2012, 20:22:29 UTC
Very nice story. I felt like France when I read that America had challenged England to a contest with the bow. The mere thought is rather hilarious. XD I'm sure America is talented and will get better but beating centuries of experience is pretty hard.
Anyway I had a lot of fun reading this. Especially the end. It was soooo cute.^^

Thanks for the links by the way. I love these comics about the hundred years war. They're so funny and really helped me to remember the important points in the war.^^


redblonde7 August 13 2012, 10:06:00 UTC
I know, I had to have America being completely oblivious to England's history and doing something like that! I was going to include a line about how England was using a bow and arrow centuries before America was even around, but I figured that would speak for itself.

America was so fun to write, so I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as well! I was thinking about continuing it by England teaching America archery but I ran out of time.

I love those comics, it's basically just makes it all easier to understand and when you're writing a speed fic, you don't want to trawl through a wikipedia entry that would take about half an hour to understand anyway. Plus they're hilarious. I can't remember what other comics they've done but there are more.

Thanks for your comment!


xolavander August 13 2012, 02:13:47 UTC
Poor France and poor America. Defeated by England because he's good at archery.

Oh, who am I kidding, I love this.


redblonde7 August 13 2012, 10:06:44 UTC
England is badass at archery, there's no doubt about it. I'm really glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the comment!


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